
Need help on Si unit question. Basically i dont understand what the question is asking?

by  |  earlier

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so it says write conversion factors to represent te following equalities

a. 1m^3=1 000 000 cm^3

b.1 in= 2.54 cm

c.1 micro gram= .000 001g

d.1Mm= 1 000 000m




  1. A conversion factor is a ratio which is equal to 1.  We can take any equality and place either quantity in the numerator or denominator.  The ratio will be equal to 1 because there is the same measure -- in different units -- on the top and bottom.  

    A conversion factor is used so that the units which are not wanted will cancel out and leave the units that are wanted.

    For each equality, there are two conversion factors which are the reciprocals of each other.

    1m^3 / 1,000,000 cm^3   or   1,000,000 cm^3 / 1 m^3

    1 in / 2.54 cm   or   2.54 cm / 1 in

    1 ug / 0.000001g   or  0.000001 / 1 ug

    1 Mm / 1,000,000 m  or  1,000,000 m / 1 Mm

  2. a. m^3 x 10^6 cm^3/m^3 = cm^3

    b. inches x 2.54 cm/inch = cm

    c. micrograms x10^-6 g/microgram = grams

    d. Mm x 10^6 m/Mm = m

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