
Need help on building a competitive Arcana Force deck?

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i was wondering if anyone know how i can make a competitive Arcana Force deck?

like which cards are the best to use,

and some strategies that can make this deck competitive,

thanks for the help




  1. thats accullly good i dont think u need that much help i would give ur deck a 7.4 out of 10

  2. Here is my deck that I have:

    Monsters: 20

    1 Arcana Force EX – The Dark Ruler

    3 Arcana Force XXI – The World

    1 Guardian of Order

    2 Arcana Force XIV – The Temperance

    1 Dark Valkyria

    1 Kaiser Seahorse

    2 Arcana Force VII – The Chariot

    1 Snipe Hunter

    3 Arcana Force IV – The Emperor

    2 Arcana Force III – The Empress

    2 Arcana Force I – The Magician

    1 Marshmallon

    Spells: 13

    2 Light Barrier

    3 Mystical Cards of Light

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Smashing Ground

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Brain Control

    1 Soul Exchange

    Traps: 9

    3 Reversal of Fate

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    2 Sakuretsu Armor

    Total: 42 cards

    Side Deck: 15

    1 Guardian of Order

    1 Arcana Force XIV – The Temperance

    1 Dark Valkyria

    1 Arcana Force VII – The Chariot

    1 Arcana Force I – The Magician

    2 Enemy Controller

    1 Fissure

    1 Light Barrier

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Scapegoat

    1 Terraforming

    2 Arcana Call

    1 Dust Tornado

  3. Here is one but make a note that this isn't my idea. I got this from This is one of the only ones i have seen that is anywhere remotely competitive. The fusion deck is there just in case you get control of your opponents GB monsters.

    Monsters: 19

    3 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

    3 Arcana Force VII - The Chariot

    3 Arcana Force I - The Magician

    3 Arcana Force IV - The Emperor

    2 Arcana Force 0 - The Fool

    2 Shining Angel

    2 Cyber Dragon

    1 Sangan

    Spells: 18

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Smashing Ground

    1 Shield Crush

    1 Brain Control

    3 Shrink

    2 Book of Moon

    2 Enemy Controller

    3 Light Barrier

    1 Terraforming

    Traps: 3

    1 Mirror Force

    2 Royal Decree

    Fusion: 3

    3 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

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