
Need help on condoms?

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if i use condom would i have a chance of gettin pregnant




  1. You have much less of a chance of getting pregnant or catching an STD or STI while using a condom.

    Please use condoms!!

  2. well if used properly, and it doesnt slip or break, this will prevent the sperm from reachign the egg, thus being 100% effective, now if it slips or breaks, then you have chances of getting preggy from 10%-%100... Good luck,,, try usuing a spermicide condom, and even some additional things like spermicidal sponges...

  3. If there's no hole in it, it doesn't tear, and it's put on properly & doesn't slip off during s*x, then you have a very small chance of getting pregnant. I would recommend doubling up with some kind of birth control as well. Or atleast use the condoms with spermicide.  

  4. theres always a chance the condom will break but low chance .  you have to use it correctly and folllow directions in the pack.  

  5. yes if it breaks

  6. They are less effective that bc pills, and pills less effective than either a shot or an implant.

    If you or your partner tear it, rip it, or it comes off, you're pregnant.  Then you have to find Plan B at your pharmacy --- and the catch is that they won't sell it to you unless you are 18, so truthfully?   you ought to have someone buy you several of those..... and use it withing 72 hours... and it as well isn't always effective, but obviously better than nothing...

    And using nothing at all = pregnancy for sure!!!

    Google your city + planned parenthood.  If you are under 18, everything is free along with great advise..

  7. Condoms are pretty effective only if they are used correctly. So just be sure to read everything on the package, and inspect the wrapper to make sure that its not damaged. But there is still the chance that it could break. Just be careful. You might want to try using birth control. Its safer then condoms for most women.
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