
Need help on how to tell my hubby?

by Guest61800  |  earlier

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i found out im having twin girls and i havnt been able to tell my husband. i dont know how to tell him. please help me.




  1. Do you think he'll be mad or something lol...?

    I'd just say, "guess what... We're gonna have twin girls!!!?!!?!?" and suprise him or something.

  2. Just open your mouth and tell him... Why are you hinding this from him? Having babies is a bundle of joy.. the more the merrier!... so since it's twins, it's double the joy...

  3. you are obviously in the middle of your pregnancy to know by now that you are having atleast 1 baby.  and im sure by now you dont have a tiny little waist...does he now know that you are even pregnant or that you are having twins? or are you safraid he will freak out because its 2 girls. why sugar coat anything? hes your husband. and the father of your children...why didnt he go to the ultrasound with you??? ~sounds like he may be a 'piece of work' to me if he couldnt have atleast done that...

  4. Just be straight forward

  5. Make him a meal and serve him 2 of everything (2 scoops of potatoes, 2 servings of meat, 2 desserts, etc.)  Then when he asks you why he got two of everything, tell him he needs to get use to seeing double because you are having twins!

  6. why not? just come out with it. we are having twin girls, honey.

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