
Need help on leaving work, at work. ?

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I have generalized anxiety disorder, and I'm finding my work is causing me a lot of stress lately, I'm not one to disapoint my employer.. so I do as asked and do a good job. I handle my anxiety during the day-

at night, when I'm home.. I'm immediately tense, I can't sleep at night, and a few times I've woken up having panic attacks... in the morning my jaw and neck are unbelievable stiff (I'm clenching my teeth at night)

Should I go on stress leave? will this help?

I need some advice on how to RELAX when I get home...

*I'm looking for a new job, I use deep breathing and take baths... I'm also taking ativan (when I really feel I need it)





  1. Probably take ativan regularly and not when you need it. For awhile anyway. Integrate therapy with this. Will make a big difference. A new job may not be the answer. Get this handled before moving on.

  2. Ok first things first you need to find a new job fast.

    If your unable to find something fast take a leave from from your job.  Just take in a statment from your Doc.

    To relax you light some sented candles(Lavender for stress) it will calm you drink some wine and take a nice bubble bath.  Listen to some nice slow music to unwind and then relax in your bed.  Make sure your room is nice/clean and cozy this will help.

    Stress kills and will lead to a very unhealthy situation mentally and phyiscally.

    My Sister have been going thru the same thing and she has been off her job for 3 months now and I don't think she'll be there much longer, if she goes back.

    Seriously your job sounds like it have you going thru drug withdawls

  3. exercise will help the best is a nice walk and if you have a friend or a sister or a husband you like take them along.  The other thing which you mention is getting another job.  One more thing that I find helpful is planing things.  Yea make plans for the next day to go do something or get something done or make plans for the weekend that is different you need to have some things to look forward to in life so plan them and that gives your mind excitement and pleasure knowing you are going to be going somewhere or doing something.

  4. Separate your work from your home life.  Do this by keeping any work things you bring home in an isolated area where you will bump into them.  Also, when you get home, change out of your work clothes.  Change your shoes and socks, or put on slippers, that will help you feel at home.  Have some candy or ice cream when you get home it's good to feel like you can eat something you can't get at work.

  5. You need to find something to take your mind off of your work. Any kind of hobby, but something that requires physical exertion. You need to relieve your stress and physical activity is best for that. Horseback riding, tennis, golf, jogging. There has to be something you are interested in. All work and no play make Jill a dull girl,

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