
Need help on project on "Development and changes in Agriculture".?

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It consists of these things:

* Evolution of Agriculture from Stone age through the Medieval Period till the Colonial Times

* Types of agriculture in different parts of the world(Describe and map)

* Food and Crops and distribution on map

* Exports of Cash crops and food crops in different parts of the world

* Problems in modern agriculture

* Conditions of farmers in terms of housing security and employment




  1. i have got the same project.pls help me.

  2. Your topic is too broad. You ask for the whole history book and there is more than you know. Narrow it down. Compare what happened when medieval landowners ruled and farmers worked their land for them and compare it to the special agricultural zone land laws that were developed in India to bring in foreign companies and investment and how the people, the farmer there reacted. Or look at how over the centuries of tariffs imposed that the food grown was payment, until someone said, Sorry, gold only off the land (British colonization of India and the damage)

    Look at how the share croppers suffered in the US under the land owners, and the dust bowl, and "owing my soul to the company store"

    Pick something safe like how we learned to farm as a species, ruined the land and then went full circle to farm mimicking mother nature (organic and sustainable farming)

    Or look at how our use of pesticides is our way of genetically creating stronger more resistant insects and disease by killing off the weak pests with poison and making super pests.

    You will have volumes to write of the details of the problems, not just an endless list, and you will see just how deep this well we dug our selves into really is. Feel free to ask me for any input, it is a thing I am (obviously) passionate with.

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