
Need help on what to feed my bunny?

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Ok, I know giving lettuce gives rabbits diareah (sorry about the spelling), but does cucumber? Hunny Bun really seems to like it, and I'm wondering on how much to giver her...or how often?




  1. Yes your correct Lettuce & cabbage isn't at all good for them especially lettuce as this does/can cause internal problems & diarrhea. Yes rabbits can eat cucumber in smallish amounts as its very fluidly!! Up to 5 medium sized slices of cucumber a day can be fed to your bunny,a few more slices if the slices are thiner,but yes cucumber is perfectly edible to bunnies,my rabbits like it!

    You will probably notice a different in how ,much she is drinking though as cucumber is very watery,so don't worry about that.

    Cucumber will only cause diarrhea IF given a large amounts,if she does have a upset stomach stop giving her cucumber, & for a day just give her hay & water or/& a a handful or so of PLAIN oats,i doubt though that she would get diarrhea!

    Hope this helps & that you can feed your bun,cucumber without a doubt! x*x

  2. oh cucumber's fine, i give my bun a nice big chunk of cucumber, an un-seeded runner bean pod and a chunk of broccoli every day!  of course i do vary it for her, on some days, like take one away and give some carrot or some dandelions instead.  

  3. I think one thing you can pick up on even from the people that say to go ahead and feed cucumber is that if you do, feed it in limited quantities.

    With any fresh greens, vegetables, or fruit you really should limit the amount that you feed your rabbit.  These types of foods have high water content, normally high starch or high sugar content, a low amount of fiber, a low amount of protein, and a high amount of energy.

    Basically equating those to a human diet, it would be like eating sweets or donuts or candy.  They give you a lot of energy but don't really have much nutritional value and if you eat too much they'll make you fat.  That's exactly what they do to a rabbit, except that they also can give the rabbit diarrhea due to the way a rabbit's digestive system works.

    If you are going to give it, never make it over one quarter of the rabbit's diet.  If the rabbit starts getting diarrhea you are giving it too much and start feeding it some hay to eat.  That will up the amount of fiber the rabbit gets and help stop the diarrhea.

    The best diet for a rabbit really is to avoid those types of foods and to stick to just the rabbit pellets, water, and hay.  Rabbit's like those other foods, but just make sure you treat them like you would candy or sweets, don't make them the main portion of the diet.  The amount you give should be very limited.

    For a good reference source on rabbit nutrition, look up rabbit books by Peter Cheeke.  He is an expert on rabbit nutrition from Oregon State University.  Other good reference sources are articles by the American Rabbit Breeders Association, articles by Dr. Terry E Reed, or articles by Dr. Chris Hayhow.

  4. once a week in small quantities compared to other veg

    Cucumbers content is mainly water. There is not much nutrients in it for a rabbit.

    The reason lettuce is a no go is not just it is watery but there is a sap in some lettuces called lactucarium which is poisonous in large amounts causing diarrhea and bloat.

    see my site for a list of foods to feed

  5. because its watery like lettuce, just give it as a treat-not too often like 1ce a month

  6. hello there

    cucumbers are one of the proven safe food for is like the other vegies and greens you give to rabbits.but remember:give greens to rabbits only ONCE a day.or else it WILL have DIARRHEA.

    as for the lettuce,not all lettuce is bad for them,you know.but they must be given in moderation.refer to this site for what to give rabbits as food:

    iceberg lettuce is the one who gives diarrhea.not ALL lettuce.rabbits love lettuce and cabbages so it is not nice to deny their craving for the vegetables.but always in MODERATION.

    have a nice day!

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