
Need help or suggestion regarding LD?

by Guest64099  |  earlier

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Can anyone suggest any thesis or research topics regarding Learning Disabilities? (Other than inlcusion) thanks




  1. The LAWS for public school special education called IDEA 'individuals with disabilties education act'

    The best site for this is

    THis site is owned by top US special ed attorney Pete Wright.

    There is so much corruption in schools concerning special ed. From the local school to the federal level in Washington. ANd it is continually being swept under the rug.

    All you have to do is search for these things and you will get a million stories. One site for this is

    People do not understand how much schools our hurting our special children with the HELP and APPROVAL of the state and federal government.

    If you would like to talk more, email me

  2. Patricio is obviously MORE than ignorant - as we all know, to be labeled LD, a student has to have average or ABOVE average IQ - I had a kid in my English class who was "Gifted LD" - he was gifted in mathematics but LD for written language expression.

    You could write about that - being BOTH gifted and LD

  3. Educational Outcomes of Students with Emotional Disturbance or Behavioral Disturbance (formerly SED) from 1990 to 2008:

    Have academic outcomes improved for these students since their disability was reclassified and renamed? (Higher graduation rates, employment rates, reduced incarceration, etc.)

    You could find statistics on these students who were previously labeled SED "Seriously Emotionally Disturbed" in the early 1990s. These students were educated by teachers with credentials for teaching students with severe disabilities.

    Since SED students were considered cognitively intact, they were subsequently labeled ED and are now taught by teachers--using the core curriculum--who teach students with [mild to moderate] LDs--learning disabilities.

    (Complicating factors might include that LD credentials and RSP credentials became one and the same in states like California after the severe shortage in both areas. At the same time, the formerly SED students were now to be taught by the  these teachers. Teachers of SED students were in the highest special ed. teacher group to quit the teaching profession due to burnout. )

  4. I don't know what your area of specialty is, but as a school psych, I'd love to see something about teacher's and parent's opinions of Response to Intervention (RtI) as a method for identifying and treating Learning Disabilities.

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