
Need help overcoming my fear of riding horses..Please Read?

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I love horses alot and I always wanted to ride them. But a little while back I was bucked off a horse and ever since ive been afraid to ride them again. I didnt get hurt or anything but it got me thinking maybe its too dangerous and that I can get hurt. But also whats the point of life if your living in fear and you dont do stuff you enjoy. I also want a horse when I move out and im on my own and I can afford it of course. Im 14 almost 15 years old. But if I have a horse im going to have to ride it but I also want to. I love horses sooo much. Im not afraid of them just riding them. I dont know how to overcome my fear. I do know how to trot on a horse but thats the most I learned so far. Anyone who has any suggestions or any tips or anything at all that will help me overcome my fear of getting hurt when riding a horse..anything at all would be great. Even if you know a website or anything that might help. You can see how much I want to overcome this. Thanks for reading and for your help




  1. look.

    straight out, a lot of people think riding is a priecy sport it isnt

    its muddy, its cold and most of all on eof the MOST dangerous sports in the world.

    i know it and you know it.,

    but if u love it u will keep riding.,

    im 13. and my mum knows it 2,

    to put her at ease i have to wear a body protector, my own helmet and be very careful when i have wierd dreams...

    its odd.

    but if u love it sooo much get back into it,

    just ask for a easier pony to ride and explain your expirience.

  2. i would recomed going to ride at a stable with reliable horses and a patient instructor. Just take it step by step, u will soon realize that riding is soooo fun.

    I was so terrified when i started riding but now you have to drag me off them. The better you get at riding will also build your comfidence.

    I would recomend getting to kno the horse you are going to ride to build a bond and to make sure you feel as comftable as possible. Watching other people ride the horse you wish to ride will also help build your comfidence as you realize that the horse isnt out to get you at all.

    i hope this helps

    All the best

  3. Dont rush yourself or get cross at yourself at all. When you think about it you really are sititng on top of something that could tank off at any moment but that is not likely to happen! Your fear is however,completely rational! Ask friends etc for a really good laid back riding school where you can just move along at your own pace. I used to dread my riding lessons but something made me carry on, then i started to help out at the stables as well, and found this one horse i really loved, and after riding him for ages I ended up with loads of confidence and got my own pony. (It took me 3 1/2 years to stop being terrified!)

    Good luck!!

  4. horses are evil. they bite and butt at one end and kick at the other. look in there eyes and they are mad. you are right to fear them. the only horses i like is the ones they serve in Franch with chips and onion rings. um yum yum.

  5. Maybe you should just not ride them but still love them.......

  6. just get on it if you dont fight it then thats one dream gone away and i was afaid of hieghts but i can now with out fear go really high

  7. Hey there. I've been riding since I was 3 or 4 and I fell off my first pony when I was 4. I was scared out of my mind, but you need to make sure you have supporters in your life that encourage you and help you up when you fall in life, including off a horse. I am still riding to this day showing and everything. All it takes, is encouragement from friends and family, and the passion and love for the sport. Anything can be dangerous, you can't single out horse riding as just one. Hockey, soccer, horseriding, even walking down the street are all the same risks, you can break a bone doing anything, you just have to decide whether you love the sport enough in order to take the steps neccessary to move forward.

    I'm not sure where you're from exactly, but I know of many amazing multi-level school barns that would love to accept new clients. Find a nice school barn near you that has a nice environment, nice coaches, and a variety of horses and ponies and start by taking a lesson per week. As you get more comfortable you move up to maybe another lesson per week. Coaches love to teach, as long as your willing to learn they will never do anything you are uncomfortable doing, especially when dealing with gorgeous animals like horses.

    Truth is, yes you can get hurt riding a horse, but you can get hurt doing anything. But if you choose the right barn to learn at, I guarentee you 100% that if you were to fall, it only gets better and better because everytime you fall and get back up you always take something positive out of the experience. Trust me, under the right supervision and with a horse you are comfortable with, your fear can be gone in no time. Just believe you can conquer it. Good luck!

  8. Hi, A similar thing happened to me! I was riding my horse one day and she just started freaking out and she jumped and I almost fell of! I was so scared to get on a horse after that! One day I just decided I really wanted to ride her! But when I got on her I had to get off because I didn't think I could do it! Well then a few weeks past and one day my dad had gotten her all ready and I told me self that I was gonna ride her! Then I just got on her and we took off and ever since then, I have never been scared to ride a horse! All you have to do is really believe that you can do it and you can! If you tell yourself you can't do it,then you won't! Just say to yourself "I can Do it" and you will!

    Good Luck

    Hope This Helps!

  9. Maan. I totally know what ya mean. I was so freakin scared to ride after I fell off... Like... a year ago? Man, I didn't even wanna go near a horse it was that freakin crazy dude. But i got over it and you will too, ya just gotta face yur fear man.

  10. Take your time with a particular horse, get to know him/her & understand that they have personailites too and can get stroppy and un happy and sometime will buck or whatever. Learn to trust the animal and be confident..they can sense if you are nervous, they like to feel the rider is incontrol.

    Don't let a fall put you off one of the most rewarding and life enhancing experiences that you can have. Good luck!

  11. dont be afraid to ride them..just find a very dead broke horse and start off in a small round pen or arena, and try to ride and be around horses every day that you can

    when you feel a little more confident then progress to outside the arena and eventually to shows and trails

  12. Why don't you ask if you can go on one again I mean I fell of my throughbred a little while ago but all I did was give her a hug and put my trust in her to not let that happen again.

  13. Hi, I was 8 when I started riding, I'm 26 now.

    When I started riding back then I was terrified !!!

    I loved horses so much though that I just kept on going and willing to learn how to ride step by step overcame my fear.

    Give it some time, dont rush it ! You will see if you love horses so much then you will overcome your fear !

    That's what happen to me !

    My advise find good barn and a patient riding instructor, people who will support you help sometimes too :)

    Spend some time around horses besides riding them, meaning grooming, feeding etc. to get familiar,

    There is never an Insurance that you wont fall of a horse again but like I said give it some time and I'm sure you will be fine ;)

  14. Dear Valerie, I have ridden and trained horses (and people) for 18 years. The best advice I can give you is to find a good trainer for yourself. Tell her about your fears and concerns, but also your sincere desire to overcome this. Believe me, I have been where you are. When I got my first pony at age 11, I had read books on how to ride, and thought it would be easy. It wasn't! I was too scared to even try. After my Mom got me signed up for lessons, though, I was riding in horse shows within 3 months. It can be the most incredibly rewarding experience to feel like you and your horse and preforming as one!

    Books are a good reference, but it sometimes takes being guided by a trainer to really progress. Most trainers don't charge very much per lesson. A good one will have at least one "dead quiet" horse that wouldn't buck if a bomb went off under it. These school horses have a lot of experience with beginning riders and usually will do what they can to help you. It is really important that you get a professional to help you with this.

    If you get on a horse that has not been well trained for beginners, and you are scared, the horse can feel it. An inexperienced horse will think that if you are scared, something must be coming to eat you both, and he will be scared too. When I was competing in hunter/jumper, my mare would do great at home, but out at a show she got nervous upset and I would have great difficulty controlling her in the ring. My trainer quickly figured out that it was me, not the mare. I was getting scared before I went in the ring, and was communicating that to my horse. She taught me some relaxation techniques and we went on to win a lot of ribbons. Don't give up! Let me know how it goes.


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