
Need help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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why do i always like the guys that i know will never! like me.

but when guys i do not like ask me out i always say no because i feel like i m settling for one guy when i really like someone else

and i feel that i have a relationship with a guy i settled with i know its not going to be good because there no attraction there.

why do i always fall for the ones that will never like me!! i try to not liek them buts its way hard.




  1. never lower your standards..FLIRT your butt off until they like you

  2. you always want what you cant have, its true  

  3. just let things happen, dont try so hard.

    whats ment to be will find a way

    keep your options open

  4. i'm the same.

    you'll find love one day!

    dont give up hope.

    just be yourself.

    there'll be someone out there that will like you for who you are. and youll like him too!

    best of luck


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