
Need help please!!!!!!?

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im kind of under weight for my age and i really need advise about how i can gain more weight and stay healthy at the same time.

Whats should a normal 13 year old girl weigh?




  1. First you have to tell me what a normal 13 year old is~!  LoL!

  2. There's no need to worry about what you weigh, Im 13 (well in 2 days) and i weigh about 55 kilos. I have a really slim friends whos like 32ks or something. Anyway, be proud of who you are and ALL your physical assests.

    Hope I helped :)

  3. It really depends on your height on how much you should weigh. You can calculate your BMI easily, search it up on the internet and that will tell you if you're under weight or not. As for gaining weight and staying healthy, you have to eat at least 3 portion sized meals a day or go see a dietician who will make you an eating plan that covers your requirements :)

  4. go on my link

  5. Your 13 you still haven't grown into your body.  I wouldn't worry about gaining weight because when your metabolism slows down you'll want to be on the skinny side so that you don't become overweight.

  6. i'm 13 and i'm really slim but thats cos it runs in the could be the same with you. i try eating lots of sweets , burgers anything really and i dont put much wieght on. i eat healthily and my ma and pa make sure i get my 5 aday i go on lots of walks too.  

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