
Need help please............?

by Guest58494  |  earlier

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I'm taking pills and drinking please help i have been taking 48 nurofen plus tablets every day stopped 5 days ago went to doctor on valium 5mg 1 4 times a day picking them up every day but taking them all in on hit got home not coping well started drinking baileys straight and looking for tablets to take found tramadol 50mg took 6 cause that's all i had nearly finished the bottle of drink i don't know what to do my family is aware of it my hubby is at work my daughter with my sister my son playing out side with his neighbour i don't know what to do i just want to pass out holding back my tears please need help....




  1. When we are not happy with someone or something, what should we do?  Life experience has taught us what we should do; that is to clearly identify, understand, and inquest the following three questions:

    1. Who are we?

    2.  Who or what is someone or something that we are unhappy with?

    3. What is the real face or nature of that someone or something that made or has made us unhappy?

    Pitifully, you're on the course of obsession, compulsiveness, and self-destruction. If you are serious about self help or improvement, it is most essential for you to do the homework make an effort and no medication can help you constantly and forever.

  2. Please call 911 NOW!!  Your kids don't need to see or find you like that hon and your life is way too important to just give up.  You may feel real low now, but trust me, life can and does get better.  There are so many things that you can do to help yourself and people that are willing to help you get past this sadness but you have to get emergency medical help right now.  If not for your behalf do it for your boy and girl who I am sure love you with all their hearts!  I wish you luck and will pray you get the help you deserve!!!

  3. Since you still can type and you can still see you have a problem. That really says that you still have it together well enough to now call your local suicide hot-line.

  4. just relax, put the alcohol away, and shower if you can. make sure somebody knows where u r at all times so u dont pass out in the shower and drownd. You need to only take wat is perscribed to you and never mix it with alochol. it can kill nyou and if you have a family you dont want that to happen.

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