
Need help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz very important !!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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i like this girl but the porbably is that she doesnt really no me im thinking to talking to hear in msn but i dont want to say to her to start a conversation


plz trie to write in details




  1. just start with like hey whats up

    and how you doing

    and then maybe play 20 questions?

    and just ask eachother some questions to get to know eachother better

    ( :

  2. Just message her and say..


    and when she writes back ask her What's up?

    Don't be so nervous. It's not a big deal!

    Good Luck!

  3. well you say hi how are you

    then maybe ask her how was her day

    then things you could have in common and things like that

    if you go to the same school start saying hi to her when you see her

    then start talking to her more at school or in person

    make her feel that she can trust you and help her with her problems (girls like talking about their problems) listen to her

    when you are friends get her some lil cute things that would make her think of you like just a lil soft feather or something casual  

  4. What ever you do don't write her unless you use spell check and have someone who knows the English language proof read it for you.

  5. dont think. just do what you think you should do. dont think about talking to her let alone dating her. just have a conversation with her and BE YOURSELF. girls hate it when they find out your something that she thought you wern't.

  6. hi,

    as others have said just be yourself,

    if its a convo starter your after then try somethin like,

    "hey, i think ive seen you around before"

    then once your convo has started ask her questions related to her...focus on her not you...idk y but girls like it when u make them the center of attention...(well most do), such as:

    "how was your day"


    "what did you do today"


    "what have you got planned"

    just think of small things to say that keep the conversation going but keep her in the center of attention...

    hopefully this helped, and good luck :-)

  7. Do you know any of her friends? Does she know any of your friends? Maybe you should try with a common interest, research about her - not stalk, there is a difference - & find out something you can talk to her about. Maybe even just start off by saying on msn - hey, how are you, i think i've seen you around before - or something like that. Don't get too stressed about it & remember she's probably going to be excited about getting a new friend aswel. good luck.

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