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what does this quote mean?: do not go where the path may lead go instead where there is no path and leave a trail




  1. don't always be a follower, be a person who starts something new, and let people follow you

  2. Perhaps it means don't follow what other people do, do your own thing and let them follow you.

  3. This quote basically means don't always follow someone on their path in life, be a leader and start your own path for people to follow. Don't follow someone else's destiny, make your wwn destiny, and you will be successful and people will follow in your paths. Be a leader don't be a follower. I hope this helps!

  4. It means do not go where everyone expects you to go. Suprise them make up your own path and be an individual!


  5. Be your own person and dont follow the crowd. Individuality is the key.
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