
Need help quick, ill give best answer!?

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Ok, Im doing a paper for school and I need to know is it ever right to lie and it's christian point of view because that's what I am.. Like I know it's a sin but what if it's a life or death situation and what is some way I can explain it in a paragraph

thank you so much:D

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  1. well, it depends on the situation. there are two different types of lies, the lie where we all know means we&#039;re in trouble and could cause us not to trust. and then we have something called a white lie. people (including christians) use white lies all the time. like say if ur friend has cancer and you know he&#039;s gonna die but you don&#039;t want him to get all depressed because you don&#039;t want to make him sicker and you tell him he&#039;ll live to be 100. the whole point of a lie is to deceive someone but when you are making them feel better about the situation, then technically you are lying and not lying at the same other words, yes, you can lie as long as you are not deceiving someone.  

  2. Can you think of a situation where it would be right to lie? Like if a murderer was in your house and your little sister was hiding and they asked you if anyone else was in the house, should you say yes? Just think about it yourself, and whatever you believe is the answer is what you should write about. This sounds like an opinion essay, there&#039;s no right or wrong answer. As long as you support everything you say, and show that you&#039;ve thought about possible counter-arguments, you should be fine. So, is it ever right to lie? Even if it&#039;s not a life or death situation?

  3. I think its best to be honest!

    Hope I helped!

  4. Hannah,

    That&#039;s a tough question to answer.

    Certainly it is called a sin. But look at the example in the Bible where David lied to protect him and his men when he was on the run from Saul. At one point he even faked being mentally ill.

    Also, during World War II many church people lied to the Germans to protect the lives of Jews. The vast majority of Christians would call that an acceptable circumstance, as it prevented murder.

    I wish you the best on your paper.


  5. i think lying is normally perceived as bad, but you always need to think of what the consequences of lying can be, for instance, if you know that lying about something such as &quot;not eating the cookie from the jar&quot; when you infact did eat it, you should be ablw to realize you are taking a chance at having your parent not trust you as much, if, for instance they find cookie crumbs in your room. But, if it were a more dangerous situation, where you thought it was best to lie to hopefully try to save someone&#039;s life, many people would agree with you and lie, hoping for the best to happen.

  6. Below is a link to a site that gives some philosophical views re: lying as well as defining it.  I hope you will take a look at it; I&#039;m sure it will help you.

    Good luck!

  7. lying a obviously a sin , but talking in religion (Islam) not sure for (christian), if it&#039;s a life or death situation no matter if someone&#039;s lies.

  8. I would say no because you may not don&#039;t know any points about being a Christian, i would ask if you could interview someone instead or just do research good luck

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