
Need help quitting smoking.....?

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Does hypnosis work?




  1. I only know of one person that tried the hypnosis, my brother.  He had one session and never had another smoke.  That was nearly 10 yrs ago.  He was left with no physical or mental withdrawal symptoms.  One case, one man... but it worked for him!

  2. I think hyponsis only works if you think it works. It's like placebo. Try it! Good luck!

  3. get a hobby or something that will take your mind off smoking. when driving try listening to music that you know the words to, this distracts the feeling. Join a group of some sort. Car club, sports club or take up learning to drive or fly or a musical instrument. Get a passion for something, go out with non smoking people, start reading a book, go for walks or learn to paint. The list is endless.

    Good on you for wanting to quit. The first step to quitting is wanting to. keep in mind your doing it for your health and well being now and in the future.

  4. Look, if i can quit smoking and dipping, anyone can. If you really wan't to just try. If you fail, try again! You'll eventually become a dissapointment to yourself.

  5. all what said Aydine y is the true,please stop smoking now.before you regret take your decision now.throw it(cigarette to the trash)


  6. It workes for some. You need to try it for yourself.

    Try also accupuncture, and homeopathy.

  7. If you are young, drop it suddenly and without any hesitation. Do not depend on anything except your will. If you are older, you should first reduce it gradually to less than 10 a day, and then drop suddenly. You may take some tranquiliser, just to protect your heart, not as a help to give up. People think that the only reason for stopping is the fact that one is actually killing himself. But, chances are that instead of killing yourself, which is a luxury, you are converting yourself into a handicapped, miserable, helpless creature, with disabled organs and even with walking difficulties in your old age. So, do not hesitate, just give up!

  8. This program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried this program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette's a day. I would recommend this program to anyone. It is worth for every smoker who wants to quit this slow suicide habit, this is your last chance to get rid of it eternally.

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