
Need help re a bitchy mare?

by Guest32886  |  earlier

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Well I have a mare that is real sour. Had her 2 years and I am so kind to her but she always trys to bite and kick me daily. What suggestions do you have ?




  1. I would probably sell her.  I don't like to own a horse that bits and kicks me daily.

  2. depends how old she is, if she's young you might be able to train it out of her. a little tap on the nose or shoulder and a "get out of it" in a horsey voice when she does it and a reward when she doesn't (not a tap that would hurt, just like what another horse would do) personally i've never had a biter or a kicker but i've seen many, my friend has an old mare that will try anything until your in the saddle, then she's sweet as gold.

    it really depends on the age, she needs to know your boss or top horse! when mine play up i lunge them alot in both directions at all different gates and do lots of ground work on the lead (make them walk backwards, halt etc) so they know that it's not going to stop me from doing as i please and that they will not get away with it... goodluck there's nothing worse than not being able to enjoy your horse!

    p.s sorry to the last guy that posted but unless you think she's dangerous to you don't shoot her, yes try and get her retrained or give her to someone who can handle her... i know many that would take her, and if she does continue to be this way and become dangerous than you can get her put down humanly by a vet for a small fee and if you do have to shoot her which yes i know sometimes you do, my mum's had to do it before and it's horrible, do it on your land humanly... don't take her to the dogs it's just wrong for them to have to go through that. goodluck and be careful but just try disapline first...... sorry other guy...

  3. try to lure her by offering her sugar and carots to get her to trust you

  4. Your not the boss. She is. You might want to start some ground training to get her respect. Also if you ride her, she might anticipate the ride when she sees you because of a health problem. A lot of times riders & trainers mistake pain or health issues with bad behavior. Have a vet do a work up.

  5. Personally I would probably sell her.

    If you are still having these issues after two years then it is likely not going to go away.

    I would say she thinks she is the alpha mare. She doesn't think she has to listen to you and so treats you with disrespect.

    I have to say there have been a few horses that I have met over the years who simply did not like humans, usually the result was a horse that was grumpy and a pain in the butt.

    When does she do the behavior of biting and kicking?

    If you are planning on keeping her, I would think about doing some of the natural horsemanship ground exercises, Parelli or Clinton Anderson style stuff. To help you get her respect and improve her behavior.

    Good ground manners are not optional in my opinion, especially since a horse can seriously hurt you because they are so much bigger than a human.

  6. .45

  7. always check health, our filly bit all the time from bad teeth, got them floated and its a world of difference, if you really love her stick with her (i do with my mare how bucked me into fence) try parelli (dont know if i spelled that right) he's got a lot to say on your horse respecting you and how to get them to.                         5 years from now do you want to be the one who stuck with it, or gave up?

  8. Have you disciplined her?  A kick gets a whip and a bite a jab to the nose.  No excuses here.  She is being deliberately aggressive and an aggressive horse can kill.  If you can't or won't do this shoot the horse...She is too much for you to handle and it is unethical to sell, trade, or even give away a horse that you have made mean because you refuse to discipline.  

    The spare the rod and spoil the child doesn't work with a one thousand, plus pound animal that is strong enough to kill you in a heart beat.

    Just to let you know.  I have taken on a few problem horses like your for people.  One broke my shoulder when she reared over backward.  Another went for my head with her front hooves.  Luckily I was quick enough to duck and she just grazed my head.  I still had a headache for three days.

    I know many people who have been killed or injured by disrespectful horses like yours.  Get it taken care of or call a trainer who will.

  9. There are hundreds of good horses in the world, and they cost no more to feed and care for than a nasty, sour horse.  I would sell your horse ASAP and buy one that is more trustworthy.

    I am an adult, experienced rider.  But why would I risk my health and life to work with a horse that tries to kick and bite on a daily basis?!  If I am injured I cannot work, I cannot enjoy my horses, I can't do anything.  I cannot afford to be without a job, and this would be a chance I could not take.

    If your horse was only acting up once in a while I might feel differently.  If this was a new behavior I'd try to solve it.  But two years is a long, long time and I honestly think you would have solved the problem before now if you could have.

    You are more valuable than this horse.

  10. It really depends on how much you like this mare.... If you enjoy her and want her around seek some help from a local trainer. Her behaviors may be easily fixed with the right trainer helping....

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