
Need help setting up ps2 online?

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Ok So my Xbox 360 got the RRoD :( so I decided to Use my Old PS2 and I Discovered a Ethernet port (or what i think is) so I am using my Xbox 360 Ethernet cord do I have to but a specific cord. Here are my Specs (Dont ask what Specs are) ok I have a Linksys Router I bought 8/2008 and a Modem (I have DSL). And when I try to set up it asks for my User ID that I use for my internet provider (It is Verizon btw) does that mean I type in my E-Mail Example: Pass:123456 do i do that or something else sorry to bug you with this long question!! Thanks for looking!!




  1. Yep thats exactly what you do. Whatever the sign in ID for the master account for your Verizon is what you'll be using. If i remember right there is also an option to just do an auto set-up for high speed internet. I've done it both ways back when i played SOCOM on the ps2.

    Hope this helped ^.^

  2. yea, thats what i do, so try it. Remember to have it on the right account.

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