
Need help sound proofing room?

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i am in primary school and me and my friend are looking to turn the community room into a music room i am in year 6 of school so it need to be done fast and we dont have alot of money to spend

- the community room is a demountable

- by music room i mean a place for us to practice guitar (us meaning a group of friends)

plz help (<>,_,<>) ty




  1. I know you can use cardboard egg boxes stuck to the wall. a more expensive way is soundproofing foam. good luck!

  2. look up this website it may help you!!

    and this one will help with regulations

    hope this helps


  3. If the teachers don&#039;t mind stick egg cartons to the walls and then you can paint them what ever colour they want. Don&#039;t paint them with a gloss paint as that will defeat the purpose of the exercise.

    The egg holder section of egg cartons are the best for sound proofing and they should not cost you anything if you get all your school mates to collect them from home.

    If you can get access to an egg distributor they have the sheet type egg cartons and they cover a bigger area and look neater.

    Good luck

  4. It is not clear whether u want to  keep sound out or in.(kidding!). Acoustics is a serious subject   which is  also very expensive needing lot of modifications to the room . I hope you are permitted to do at least some  major changes. Assuming you are  not using electric guitars  the sound power level inside may not be  that high.Conventional way to keep sound out is to  use  a Noise absorbing  material layer such as Fibreglass acoustic insulation ( 25 mm  - 50 mm thick) depending on the intensity of sound and  to &quot;line&quot; it on  the surface  with a perforated  aluminium or such metal sheet or a nicely coloured woven and purpose made fabric. The fibreglass wool insulation  may have to be fixed to the base structure with  stick pins or a  frame work. Again  the  door has be a heavy one with insulation  as described. The  density of the walls &amp; roof  also have a say as the sound also travell thorugh the building  structure. Assuming that the room is at Ground floor the  floor may be exempted for convenience. (The finished interior of all walls   may not look that nice  afterwards, some times). incidentally  the   insulation  cut off reverberation too.

    Nowadays  you have very expensive  high  density  rubber sheet like material  which  though 10 mm thick is  said to give 300 mm Masonry  wall  sound energy absorbing  effect by dissipating   same through molecular   vibration .

    Hope you work out something successfully!.Good luck!

  5. some of the answers given are an extreme fire hazards and not acceptable.

    sound proofing should be done by insulating within a double wall. . If you can not afford to be safe and do the soundproofing then do neither

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