
Need help tracing relatives in Plymouth?

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Hello all can anybody out there give me any advice on tracing some relatives in Plymouth, UK that I've just discovered exist. I recently discovered that my great-uncle was aboard the HMS Hunter whose wreck was found the other week but have since found out that he had married and had at least 2 children. I have the maiden name of his wife, the date of marriage and the dates of two children born. Now I've sort of hit a dead end and not sure which geneaology site to use, I don't mind subscribing to a site but not sure which one is best or if I'm going to hit a load of dead ends.

I can supply more details if needed but not sure if thats allowed so need advice on that too.

Many thanks to all sensible answerers in advance x




  1. The Devon Family History Society sell various publications of baptisms, marriages and burials in the area. have all birth, marriage and death indexes transcribed from 1866 to 1920 and their prices are reasonable.

  2. I would think about Genes Reunited in these circumstances. Registering is free, as is search of index. Results depend on if other parties also register. Do you know names of children? Years of birth for Uncle and Aunt? You could try looking for Uncle, Aunt (under maiden name), and children you know about. You only have to pay if there is someone on there you want to contact.

    Devon Family History Society was a good suggestion if you know the Church where marriage took place. I live in Devon, was up at Tree House yesterday, and there is a wide range of leaflets for sale. If you don't belong to the Society, Google the website. To join is £12 a year for those in UK, and I reckon they have one of the best quarterly magazines going (included with membership)

  3. You can search for names of people in Britain, extracted  from telephone directory's and electoral rolls, some people have their names removed but it is opt out, so you might be lucky to find who you are looking for, all the info is current.

  4. If I were you I would subscribe to it really is excellent, I have had the world deluxe membership with them for about two years now and I wouldn't pay for any other site.

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