
Need help treading water???

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Im not the best swimmer; and treading water is the hardest thing ever for me for some reason. i need some really good techniques so i can do it for more than like 10 seconds. please give instructions or a video.





  1. i usually do breaststroke kick for treading water cause its really easy for me and it keeps you above the water.

  2. Im a pretty good swim instructor and here's a couple of techniques that i teach my kids. first you can try treading by moving ur arms back and forth from a T position to straight out from ur chest then pretend like ur riding a bike in the water with ur legs. theres another advanced treading water motion which is called egg beaters. u bend ur knees then move ur legs in a circle ur left leg going clockwise and ur right leg going couter clock wise  circle. then u move ur arms like making S's in the water nice and easy. egg beater is really hard to do but if u can do it u will be able to tread for about 8 hours if u get really good at it

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