
Need help understanding the organisms or function of starch,glycogen and cellulose.?

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for over an hour now i've been looking for the function and organism of those things, now i'm not very good at science so can you please help me, i'm gone on wikipedia but since i dont understand it very well i cant find the information i'm looking for, plz help. heck even with links that take me where i need would b great,.




  1. There is something wrong with your question.

    "Function and organism"??  I don't think you know what an organism is. Figure that out first.

    What you are looking for is the function of



    and cellulose

    take "organism" out of your search criteria.

    type in google "function   starch"

    then "function  glycogen"

    then "function   cellulose"

    or better yet,

    read your biology textbook.

  2. Plants make carbohydrates, molecules that consist of various combinations of CH2O, beginning with glucose, a monosaccharide. This is one of the most abundant compounds in nature and the primary source of chemical energy. Glucose is the primary product of photosynthesis that takes CO2 from the air and water from the soil and uses the energy from sunlight to drive the creation of a new higher energy molecule.

    This glucose is the basis used to make the other types of carbohydrates: various simple sugars, complex starches, or fibrous cellulose & pectin. Carbohydrates are composed of the elements of water (H2O) and carbon (C) first as glucose then in long chains called polysaccharides (many sugars). Plants can use glucose polysaccharides for either food, like starch, or for structure, like cellulose, but they all begin with glucose.

    Cellulose is formed as very long threads of glucose. Every other glucose is inverted allowing the linear polysaccharides to lie very close beside each other forming crystals.  Plants use this to build their structure

    For food plants store starch, another polysaccharide. However to use glucose for energy it must be digested back to the single sugar units of glucose.

  3. Starch, glycogen and cellulose are all storage forms of sugars, which contain energy.  Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in muscle; cellulose is generally found in plants.  

  4. I just looked at Wikipedia and I'm not sure I blame you!  Pretty complex descriptions there.  Interestingly, these compounds are all strings of glucose molecules hooked together like Legos but, like Legos, you can get a lot of different things from combining the same building blocks in different ways.

    Think of glycogen like money in your pocket.  The glucose units are ready to be turned into energy NOW, or at any time you need it, at a moments notice.  This polysaccharide is stored in the muscles for just this reason.

    Think of starch like money in a savings account.  It may take a little while to get the energy but it is still there.  Starch is food.  Pasta, gummi bears, bread.  All these have a lot of one form of starch or another.

    Think of cellulose like the money you spent on your house.  Technically you can get the energy back out but its REALLY not easy.  Cellulose is a major component in wood and can also be found in paper.  Cellulose is made mostly by plants and can be digested by some bacteria but not by us.

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