
Need help very worried leaking amnoitic fluid at 20 weeks.please answer?

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i am 20 weeks pregnant since two days i am leaking amnoitic fluid was hospitalized they are giving antibiotics they say the chances are more of miscarraige but rarely the leak could heal i came home today the water is not leaking now but there is some white discharge.i dont know what to expect.babys heartbeat is fine and still upon last scan the liquid was sufficient .please tell




  1. Try not to get stressed, they wouldn't have sent you home from the hospital if they thought it was more serious.  All the best.x

  2. My waters went at 32 weeks, much later than yours but still early.You need to take it really easy.  I had a high tear meaning that i'd lose a bit of water generally but I'd lose far more if I bent forward or lay I slept sitting up and eventually ran out of water 4 weeks later. I was hospitalised for a week then discharged but I had to attend hospital twice a week for several scans (growth scan, breathing movement scan, doppler scan) and swabs...I went into labour a couple of days after running dry.

    If your leak is high then the chances of infection are lower, you could ask where they believe the leak is from and ask if sleeping more upright will help. Leaks can heal but as they have already told you this isnt that likely, you basically need to get thru each day ...the longer the baby is in there the better. Call in all the favours you can and do absolutely nothing except eat sleep and use the loo. Ask at your next appointment what you can do to improve your chances of carrying your baby long enough to give it a fighting chance.....also ask if there are any foods you should avoid, caffeine is a diuretic so you should already be avoiding tea, coffee and cola drinks.

    Fingers crossed that you can hold out for a few weeks

  3. white discharge is quite normal. I'm surprised they did not put you on bedrest with leaking fluid...that's what I thought they do.

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