
Need help w/ road rage!!?

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so i have a real problem i get really agrivated w/ dumb drivers in az.... just now some gyrl cut me off as i was entering the freeway almost causing me to hit the side wall... so i caught up to da broad only to give her the nice bird and cut her right back i know i shouldnt be doing this cuz i can end up gettin myself in trouble but mane i just loose it sometimes... any help to cope w/ dis??




  1. Just pretend that anyone who cuts you off has a gun and if you flip them off they'll shoot you. That's what helped me, when you think of it, it's definately possible. Be careful and stay calm.

  2. Proactive prevention means that drivers need to learn how to be safe on the road. Drivers in the United States would greatly benefit from disciplined practices that help in the minimization of stress. Stress has been scientifically proven to impair decision-making skills, which in turn can create dangerous driving situations. A minimally-stressed driver is less likely to ignore a traffic sign or make a offensive lane change, events that often lead to road rage. Activities such as yoga, exercise, healthy eating, and listening to relaxing music have all been shown in studies to lower stress levels. Many people listen to humorous albums or novels recorded onto tapes to cope with frustrating situations such as traffic jams.

    Along with reducing stress, drivers need to concentrate on driving when they are behind the wheel. Driving is a tremendously complex activity that involves a great deal of responsibility. When a person thinks about things such as problems or upcoming situations while driving, they pose a threat both to themselves and to others on the road. It is very important that a driver can clear the mind and focus on the task at hand before getting behind the wheel. If this is impossible, the driver should wait a while before driving. People should definately avoid driving when they are in a bad mood or feeling strong emotions.

    A third aspect of proactive prevention is driving with respect. Drivers should be conscious of others on the road. Before making lane changes, a driver should make sure the space is clear. If a car is oncoming, the driver should not try to rush the maneuver. At the same time, drivers should avoid tailgating by leaving plenty of room between their car and the car they are following. Safe driving practices such as these are very effective in diminishing the risk of road rage.

  3. It isn't just road rage.  It is your whole life style.  When I live in Maui (where people are laid back) I didn't have road rage (like I did in NYC).  When I returned it took a while before the road rage came back, after few months of being in this big & bad city.

    So it isn't just one thing.  You need to get a focus on the way your whole life is.  Figure something out soon. Because eventually it makes you a sour and nasty person.

    Good Luck....

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