
Need help...what is a science related job besides a scientist? and what kind of college degree do you need>?

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well i have to come up with a science related job, besides a scientist and a chemical engineer, and what kind of college degree you need to do that job and what kind of things you do in that job. pleazze this is science homework and i wouldnt know where to start looking for one. the first person to give me a legitimate answer answering all of what im asking for i will mark as best answer and you will receive 10 points so thanks in advance!




  1. There are lots of science-related jobs that don't require any college degree at all. Being a butcher requires knowledge of anatomy. Being a hooker requires some knowledge of physiology (psychology helps too). Cleaning toilets is aided by knowledge of chemistry or consumer science to pick the best cleanser Farmers need a basic knowledge of meteorology, botany, and zoology..

  2. Well if it is a science related job there are three things you can consider: be a teacher of the course you take, be a practitioner (practicing what you finished) , or be a researcher (continuing your studies). To become a scientist, it takes a lot of time and patient. Why? Because after taking a degree in BS, you have to take master's, then Phd, then post doc, after post doc then that is the time you can be called a real scientist. There are other science related courses like physics, applied physics, chemistry, biology, engineering courses, mathematics, applied mathematics.  These courses differs only on their focus, like mathematics it will be more on theories and proofs while in applied mathematics aside from theories and proofs, applications on numerical analysis, etc is also being considered. If you are a mathematician you will deal more on the analytical part but if your on applied mathematics you deal more on forecasting, optimizing, predicting, etc.

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