
Need help with ''ghost corn snake''...?

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i need to know how to care for one....what kind of terrarium should i set up.....and stuff like that....including it's diet....i need to know what to feed it...its not for me....but for my 14yr old brother......

help anyone??




  1. #

    South Mountain Reptiles - Care Sheet

    South Mountain Reptiles, offering over 50 varieties of corn snakes. ... Corn Snake Care Sheet ... Enjoy your corn snake. This care sheet is not intended to be ... - Cached

  2. The snakes in your last question with the pictures are not ghost corn snakes, not even close, the answer you picked was wrong. It's some type of European rat snake, definitely not a corn snake.

  3. kool im 14 yay almost 15 july 3 YAY!!!!

    i got a con snake 2 they get big not like humungis though u proabbly need a 20 or a 15 gallong tank to start out with but u will have to get a bigger one as it grows then u need bedding u can pick it up at ur local pet store were ever u r getting it cheak to see wat bedding it has and juist try to match it up put about 2 inches of bedding in the tank and get a log so it can sleep/ hide in it u will need a big water bowl so it can drink and soak itself be 4 and after it sheds its skin get some fake plants to and some branches i have a medium sized plant that has one of those suction cup things just pop that on and i have this long branch thingy but it bend u can shape it anyway u wont and just plop it in the tank  if u want u can get a light or a undertank heater for it but i dont use them and my snake is fine it's almost 2 feet long as long as ur house isint 68 it should servive mine is like 70 i think we put the air conditioners on in the afternoon so i close my door and just put the celing fan on i also have its tanke by the heater so it gets it's heat there in winter okedoky snakes dont really have diets they just eat mice and stuff like that or lizards < i had 2 anole ones but they pased :(   ok so if its a baby u feed it 1 really small pinky those r frozen baby mice but u have to unthaw it be 4 u feed it lol it tells u for how long u put it warm water it should day on the package  then wen it gets bigger u feed them fuzzies same as pinkys only they r adults u unthaw them in warm water 2    u feed a baby corn snake 1 a week and a adult or teen < :p  2 times a week u can feed it live mice and lizards and stuf like that when it gets bigger but i cant i had 2 pet rats i hate feeeding mine dead mice but i have to so ya lol i let my snake out in my backyard when my friend from like 1 house down lol is over like everyday :P and we watch it and stuff it will eat crickets and grasshopers people say they r not supposed to but i took mine to the vetr to make sure everything was ok and the vet said everything look fine but just incase i wont let it eat them anymore and i buy this stuff by ZOO MATE i think it is or Zoo something and its freez dried crickets and it says recomended for snakes lizarda and geckos etc etc etc lol  there in this little can and there dead so u dont have to worry about them hopign around lol and the ectoskeleton is all soft so it is easy for them to digest and wont hurt there tummy lol soemone told me u r can feed them minows the little fish but how r u supposed to feed them live they would be dead when they get out the water?? if u need any more info or stuffs u or ur brother ccan email me at

  4. Whether a ghost corn, oketee, or normal, all corns require the same care. 15 gallon glass aquariums make the best housing for them. Get a screen lid with clamp on clips, because they escape very easily. For substrate, use Douglas Fir Bark with Eucalyptus, or Keepers choice, or even paper towels. Place a heat pad (of appropriate size) over one side of the terrarium and this will be his warming spot. Keep one hide on his warming spot, and another on the other side of the tank for his cooling spot. Have a water bowl that is big enough for him to fully submerge.

  5. To find out about ghost corn snake care, housing, feeding etc go to the site below. And click on one of the four items listed there.

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