
Need help with 3rd grade homework?

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ok i need some help with my 3rd grader and his spelling homework. he is having trouble remembering the words. i go over them and over them with him. he has adhd and has some trouble with words. i know he can do it but he is the 1 that is getting frustrated and tends to give up every night. so i was wondering if n e 1 has any ideas that has worked on spelling. thank you:)




  1. if repetition isn't doing it you can try making spelling songs.  I know it sounds silly but that helped my kids remember our phone numbers, addresses and hard to spell words in record time.  Might be confusing to do a whole word list that way but with the harder ones it could be worth a shot.  Good luck and remember to take breaks when you or he gets frustrated.  

    You could try talking with the teacher as well and see if they have any after school programs he could attend for some extra help.  I don't know why but it does seem that my children can concentrate better for someone else (probably because of the structured setting) than me :)

  2. Pneumonic devices are great.  Be creative.  

      Songs? Rhymes?

    Acronyms help a lot.

    Practice saying the words phonetically and exaggerating them.

    All else fails, bribe them with food!  A mother of one of my piano students practices spelling with her younger children with animal crackers.  She holds it away from their mouth, and every time they get a letter right, she moves it closer to their mouth.

    Persistence and daily work are probably the only real solutions.  Also, this is none of my business, but most of my friends with adhd who took Ritalin ended up using drugs, amongst other problems, as they got older.  That was several years ago, and I don't know how treatment has changed.  I have no scientific proof or anything, but it's something I've observed.

    Also, can you believe that Pneumonic is not on this website's spell-checker?

  3. I have a child that is bi-polar/adhd, this is what you do. Make a game out of it to keep his attention. Make up songs on how to spell the words if he likes music. Make flash cards for him to look at that may help too. Have him simply write each word 3 times each, each night. This will help his brain to retain the information, and will help too because of the way that kids with adhd think. This may seem strange but get an orange highlighter, the color helps you to retain information. Have him look over the words and then highlight them to take out some agression if he gets frustrated. I thought the person that told me this was full of u know what until i did it for a semester with my college anatomy class and got 100 percent in the class.  

  4. A neighbor child used to tape record herself spelling the words correctly.  Then she would listen to the tape while she did other things. Bribery always worked with my son--we would give him a "prize"--a little toy, a few cents, etc.  We had a basket which he picked from blindly.  Most of the items were of little monetary value, but we would always put in one or two nicer things--like a little matchbox car.  

  5. its just like my cousin in my age..when i try to teach her algebra..she's slow..and it takes time and patience for her to understand... its hard.. and frustrating..for both me and her..but what can i do??!  anyways..if any one of u..dont have patience..den why dont you record the voice..of either one of u..into a mp3..or a recorder..and listen to it over and over again..i think that might work.. and if not..well i dont kno what else cud help..

  6. Usually what I do is find clever ways to remember something. For example when I had to memorize the amendments for the 17th one it has to do with senators so I said sever senators. It kind of rhymed so it helped me. Creative stuff like that often helps.

  7. try goin on google and finding some teacher/ parent help websites about teaching ur children like on google type in (parents/teachers tip on teaching 3rd grade spelling) also the title of ur question is a little bit misleading, it sounds like u dont no how to do 3rd grade homework. ha :) hope i helped :]

  8. You could make cards with some letters missing for the word.

    If the word was believe, one card would be bel- - ve, second card was belie- -, etc.

    You could play hangman with the words.

    If you can make it like a game, things may go better.

  9. You should have him read every night before he goes to bed. When he sees how words are formed and connects sounds to them, it will be easier for him to hear a word and put it on paper. It will become automatic!

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