About 6 years or so ago I worked at Staples in UK, and left about 4 years ago. I set up a stock and share programme with them and it involved automatically taking 5% of my wages out and putting them into Etrade, and now I would like to retrieve my money. I have never had any communications with them as I was all done automatically like I said, but when I try to set up an access account with them online it keeps telling me the infomation I have entered doesn't match what they have, although I don't know what info they actually have. The mailing address they have for me is out of date, so I may be missing some paperwork, but I have all the vital info like employee ID, auth code and user ID, but I'm getting nowhwere. All I want to do is get the money I put in back. Can anybody help me with this as I don't want to call them as they're based in the US and I live in the UK. Thanks.