
Need help with a Macro Deck.?

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I'm helping my friend make a good Macro Deck but I cant seem to get it right. Heres what I've got so far, but it would seem that Macro decks arent my specialty.

Banisher of the Radiance [2]

Caius the Shadow Monarch [2]

Cyber Dragon [2]

Cyber Valley [2]

D.D. Assailant [2]

D.D. Scout Plane [1]

D.D. Survivor [3]

D.D. Warrior [1]

D.D. Warrior Lady [1]

Dark Magician of Chaos [1]

Golden Homunculus [2]

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer [1]

Mask of Darkness [1]

Morphing Jar [1]

Allure of Darkness [2]

Brain Control [1]

D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation [2]

Dimensional Fissure [2]

Heavy Storm [1]

Lightning Vortex [1]

Mystical Space Typhoon [1]

Reinforcment of the Army [1]

Soul Absorption [2]

Soul Release [1]

Bottomless Trap Hole [2]

Divine Wrath [1]

Macro Cosmos [3]

Magic Jammer [1]

Return from the Different Dimension [1]

Sakuretsu Armor [2]

Torrential Tribute [1]

Just make sure to keep the Golden Homunculus, it's his favorite.




  1. It is necessary to run 3 dimensional fissures, as they can be played the turn they are drawn. Macros Cosmos is also a needed 3 but you can run 2, which i would not reccomend.

    Also, banisher of the radience.. maybe one if its run in the deck

    Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer is completly not needed, you have

    d-fissures and macros cosmos, let them do the work as you work on dominating with monarchs. You have maybe 3 dark cards... get rid of

    with 2 allure of darkness, I assume you are running a dark macro monarch deck. Get rid of DD Assailants & warriors, you can can 1 DD warrior lady if truly wanted. Max out on Caius, he is one of the best monarchs, second only to riaza. For a defese wall, use spirit reaper. He's dark and an attack sponge! 3 gravekeeper's spys can bring each other out to block attacks, and if not attacked, simply use its flip effect to special summon another and tribute 1!

    You are running 3 survivors, very good. You should however run 2 scout planes. They are weaker so you shouldnt max out, but they are the only card that when removed from hand by allure or lightning vortex, will be special summoned at the end phase (read survivors and scout planes effects).

    You want this deck to be as fast as possible, thats why you put in allures, now you need to look at the cyber valleys already in the deck. You want to be using its 2nd effect. Kill valley and a surivor or a scout plane on field to get 2 cards. Using a summon to draw 2 cards... sweet deal. Thus, you should run 2-3 of them.

    Soul release? No. cards shouldnt get into the grave yard in the first place, and if so its not worth wasting a slot in you deck.

    Take out both cyber dragons. With indestructable survivors and scout planes, there will rarely be a chance that you have no monster and your opponent does...

    Take out Magic Jammer. Its effect says send one card from you hand to the graveyard to blah blah blah. Hmmm... you pretty much won't have graveyards. Look into magic drain. And lightning vortex is ok because it doesnt say discard one card to the graveyard "TO" blah blah blah.

    No to heavy storm. It will blow up your d-fissures and macros. Use giant trunade if you must.

    Having no graveyard kills so many opponents strategies, and is the reason the deck will work. You must protect your RFG(remove from game) cards. 3 solemns would be good if you could get them. BUT if not.. magic drain, counter counter, maybe dust tornado.

    Keep morphing jar, but take out sakaretsu armor and add 1 more bottomless trap hole.

    You need to add enemy controller. You tribute one of your survivors/planes and steal a monster to tribute, or in desperate measures, throw a enemy into defense. I suggest 2.

    Monarchs dominate in this deck so I STRONGLY!!! suggest the 3 caius disscussed previously and a riaza. You can add maybe 1 or 2 thestalos.

    Also having Reinforcement of the army is like having another survivor in your hand. You want another survivor in your hand, trust me. He is the reason for this deck, you must have 2.

    Lastly, however much your friend like Golden Homologus you need to take him out. He is only good if he is drawn in the end of the duel, and even then he is just a beatstick monster who can easly be killed by card effects. He WILL be a dead draw, and whoever uses him's loss.

    He is wayyy to situational!

    Hope this helps!!!

  2. very nice a good dd deck but u should use 2 scout planes add a maju da eiza and a couple necrofaces maybe even 1 of all the heioses the first comes out with cosmos so its good nice de deck u are sure on the right track

  3. u have a macro deck u need and i promise u with this u will be so amazed with the difference 2 gren majo da ezas, 2 golden hommoniclus (sorry bout the spelling) and 2 D.D dynamite you will be amazed.

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