
Need help with a Vegetarian question?

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Over a year ago I stopped eating red meat, but I still eat chicken and fish. My question is, in the last 8-10 months I have had major hip pain, and a lot of sleepiness. My mother thinks it is because I have stopped eating the red meat and my body is not getting what I need. I went to the dr. about 2 months ago and she told me that I am borderline obese and if I would lose weight my hips wouldn't hurt. ( I am 5'4, and about 160 lbs. does that really make me obese?) So could my mother be on to something about why my hips are hurting? I do have supplements that I take, vitamin B and a women's daily vitamin. The pain is about 90% of the time, sometimes more sometimes less. It hurts when I sit, stand, sleep, walk, but it is not sore to the touch.

Please anyone with some serious help would be much appreciated. PLEASE, serious answers only.

Thanks so much




  1. I would not call you obese.  Overweight, yes.  Also, this is not a vegetarian question, as you are not a vegetarian.  And what you eat or don't eat has nothing to do with your pain or your sleepiness.

    I wager the pain has nothing to do with your diet.  I'm vegan and a bit overweight, and I never have hip pain.

    Losing weight can't hurt, but you might also want to get a second opinion.

  2. I don't know why you have hip pain, but it won't be anything to do with restricting the varieties of meat you eat.

    What concerns me is that your doctor didn't take this pain seriously and didn't investigate it. There are doctors who blame everything from headaches to ingrowing toenails on overweight, it seems she's one of them.

    At 5'4 and 160 lbs you are not obese or borderline obese. You are on the heavy side for your height, a little outside the so-called 'ideal weight' range but by no means obese, and being overweight does not mean you aren't entitled to respect from your doctor.

    See another doctor and get a second opinion; the pain you are experiencing is affecting your whole life and should be taken seriously.

  3. I don't think your pain has much to do with your weight or not eatting red meat at all. I don't think your overweight nor are you borderline.  I think it might be something deeper going on with your joints.  I'm 30yr old 5'8 154lb and neither obese nor borderline I wear a size 12 with 2 kids my younger is 3 and I have back and hip problems.  I take a vitamin supplement called MSM for joints and muscles problems and it works well (you can find it at any Rite Aid or CVS in the vitamin section).  

    4yrs ago when I first started having pain, my first doctor didn't take it serious and prescribed me motrin no x-ray or scan.  The motrin helped a little bit but not for long,  My second doctor told me I was over weight and back then I was only 135lb and exercising 3times a week. I quickly changed doctors and was diagnois with 2 pinch nerves and a fracture disk in my lower and upper back which we was amazed because I still work, play baseball and are able to do just about anything I want to do without anyone every knowing its there.  I found that the MSM taking once a day works well for 10-12hr. If your not willing to take the vitamin supplement then you can also buy a pain spray over the counter called Stop Pain and that will work instantly, I swear.  I sprain my wrist and it worked.  My grandfather 82yrs old hooked me on to it. He has major joint problems but he would spray a little bit on his joints and ride his bike through the neighborhood every morning.

    My advise get another doctor opinion.  I can't really say that not getting red meat is the problem but if you think it ciould be a connection then try eatting it once a week or maybe once or twice a month. If you doctor will not help try investigating it yourself.

  4. Easy ! Girl, you know that its easy for people on here to slam you! because they get to hide behind a posting! Anyway, the more weight you lose, the more pressure your releasing off your joints.  I don't eat red meat! and I have some joint issues, but mine is from all of the hard pounding I use to do.  You need to see an orthopedic specialist. You could be experiencing arthritis.  Keep up the good work.  

  5. I'm sorry... you're eating meat and your mom thinks your problem is not eating meat?  And your DOCTOR told you what the problem is, but you're choosing to disregard her professional opinion and insist that not eating BEEF is the problem?  Maybe you should take your doctor's advice and make an effort to get your BMI into the healthy range.  Either your hips will stop hurting or they won't, but getting to a healthy weight isn't going to hurt you.

    Edit: nobody is putting you down.  But the fact of the matter is, your doctor gave you a perfectly valid medical assessment and you'e choosing to ignore it, preferring to pin your problems on a very unlikely cause.  If you're in pain 90% of the time, you have a couple of choices: live with it, follow your doctor's advice or seek a second (medical, not online) opinion.  Whatever the problem is, it's not beef; that's just silly.

  6. Let's see, listen to your mother or your doctor?? Yes, you are obese but it doesn't explain your hip pain. But, then again, neither does not eating red meat. Lose some weight and see what happens.

    EDIT: What were the x-ray results and then the MRI results? If you really went to Dr., they would have done these things. If you did go to a Dr. and they didn't do those things, you need to see a new Dr.

  7. i dont think not eating meat had anything to do with it. i think you should just watch how much intake of food you consume. try cutting everything you eat in half. eat small portions...then you wil lose a little weight and you hip wont hurt. meat i dont think has anything at all to do with it. so continue to not eat it and less of what you do it. good luck BTW my aunt is on the point diet by weight watchers....she loves it and it works for her..

  8. I sincerely doubt that you're pain has anything to do with the lack of red meat. Since you're still eating fish and poultry, you're still getting "meat nutrients."

    Continue to follow your doctor's advice and lose weight until you're at a healthier BMI (for you, that means aiming for around 130 probably). Talk to your doctor again if you need to about other dietary tips. It could be that you're getting too much protein and/or saturated fat from the foods you eat. Try eating more fresh produce, and also lean on fish more than poultry.  

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