
Need help with a check engine light

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I had a question on here before but when I added extra details that I didn't know when I originally asked the question, I didn't get any new responses.

My girlfriend's check engine light came on last week. When she went to Meineke to get an oil change, the guy told her that her flex pipe was falling off, and that there was a hole in it. He bolted it down for the time being being because we can't afford to get it fixed right now. On Saturday, The CEL turned off. Does this mean that the car is okay now or does it mean the problem might be worse?

Her car is a 2001 Mitsubishi Mirage.




  1. depends on the code that was set in the system. if it pertains to an exhaust leak this will take care of it.

  2. tell your girlfriend to keep driving it, but keep an eye on the light. if it runs ok, its probably just a 02 sensor.

  3. Didn't know they still put flex pipe on exhausts anymore. But if your engine light is off, your engine is okay. An engine also needs back pressure to function properly. With it not tight, the car's computer registered a problem. With it back on, the computer sees it fixed. You'll be okay till you get a safety inspection (if they do that in your state)

  4. have your girlfriend to go back there and ask them explain what a flex pipe and what is the purpose of it..have them to explain it in its entirety..they are the professional and should be able to help.

  5. Your car is okay to drive.

  6. Flex pipe??? Don't know of any flex pipe> But if it's working save some $ till you can get it fixed>

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