
Need help with a life question.....?

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Im 34 and I am a 2nd year tax preparer. My wife is a 2nd grade school teacher. Before I was a tax preparer I worked as a Manufacturer Rep inside Lowe's. I quit that job to stay home with our newborn because my wife was a first year teacher. I need a job between the Tax Season which is from Dec 26- April 18 so basically from April 19-Dec 15 or so. Does anyone have any idea what can of job I might find im looking for an idea here. Please be kind. Thank you.




  1. life is like cow p**p it goes by so fast and then suddenly you turn brown and stinky.

  2. You could always try to sell your services to local companies in your area as a consultant of some sort.  

  3. Inquire to CPA or accounting firms in your area.   Many do tax work all year long and can use someone.

  4. You could go to a temp service or look through cragslist under the "gigs and general labor" section and see if there is something to hold you over. As you know their are specialty temp services so look for one that hire business professionals or you could work in hospitality working events in various positions. You got some options depending on what you want to do.

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