
Need help with a report for Career Management? Please help.?

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In my Career Management class, my teacher is making me write a report about a safety issue in our workshop. Well he hasnt taken us down to the workshop yet, so what are some machinery things in most workshops? And what are some safety hazards or something bad that could happen if you do not use the equipment properly? Please help because i really dont know anything about machinery in workshops. Thank you so much! :-)




  1. I don't know what's in *your* workshop, but I assume there are things like saws and electric drills. So you could cut off your finger or drill a hole in yourself if you don't use the equipment right.

    You usually have to wear eye goggles so pieces of wood, metal and glass don't fly in your eyes.

    If you're using chemicals, like paint, paint remover, solvents, cleaners, etc. you have to make sure the air circulation is good so you don't inhale too much toxic stuff. You may also need a face mask.

    That should give you some ideas.

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