
Need help with a website????

by Guest55698  |  earlier

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I am making a website to sell a type of key chain that I make. I got the idea a couple of days ago and decided to go with it. I just need help with a few things.......What web site hosting service will enable me to have a shoping cart since I will be selling things and someone told me I should use pay pal for the costomers to purchase the items through......Would that be a good idea or not?




  1. I love i have an online store and i use them. its so easy to navigate. i also use PayPal to collect my $. citymax allows you a free 10 day trial so go check it out and see how easy it is to set up shop.

  2. I am an independent affiliate for Global Domains International. They are an awesome company!! Look at my website it gives you all the info.


  3. Pass on the shopping cart and PayPal option since there's a simpler option:  Using NotePad or Word to create a two-page order form which has a table showing pictures of your merchandise along with relevant prices and another page which shows your mailing info such as to To:  and From:.  Then convert the file to a PDF which you place on your opening webpage.  Once customers download to print the order form and manually fill-in the order form, they can enclose their personal checks payable to you and close up the order form with the outer mail wrapper for mailing back to you.  It's a simple cash and carry transaction in which you first clear the check through your bank and afterwards send out the merchandise.  There's no hassle over which customer's credit is good or if there is a dispute; your moneys are not held capture by the credit card company who is acting as a third-party arbitrator.

    Good luck!

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