
Need help with an injured chick

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there is a nest in my backyard and a bird fell out.

we put it in a bowl with a paper towel and left it outside.

but we dont think the bird can fly yet.

does anyone know how to contact an organization which would help during this situation?




  1. It has feathers, right? It's a fledgeling, that's what it supposed to do. They fledge the nest before they can fly and are fed by their parents on the ground for a few days. Please do not touch it.

  2. Well,

    If the chick has feathers, hops around, and can sit in tree branches, then its a fledgling. The mother bird takes care for him. If you see a bir like it than put him in a branch in the tree.

    Fledglings cant fly, there able to sit on branches and htere mom comes and feeds them.

    Put him back and he will b ok

  3. You shouldn't bother the bird at all. First thing you should do is contact your area's Division of Wildlife and they will either come out and take care of it or can refer you to a Wildlife Rehabilitator.  

  4. ok if the baby is not feathered it is a nestling and needs to be put back as close to the original nest as possible. Watch to see if parents come to feed it. Make sure they dont see you stay hidden or they will not come near it as they think they are leading predators to it. The baby will respond to their calls and they will its cries. If they do not come back and it has been few hours then it needs to be brought in and put in a makeshift nest with tissue for warmth and put makeshif nest in box in case it jumps about. Put a heating pad underneath box. Must be fed every 30 minutes from light to dar, Birds do not eat at night. Can feed it Mealworms from pet store, handfeeding formula from pet store. Also if not have those things can soak dog or cat food in water dab excess water off and cut up tiny or mush to applesauce texture and give that. Can use end of popsicle stick to feed. Do not give water as they can choke from this. They get all moisture from foods. If this chick is feathered and is hoping but not flying yet then it is a fledgling and you did the right thing. It will live its first 3-5 days out of the nest on the ground. It takes cover in deep grass or underneath things. The parent birds will come to feed it wherever it is. They appear hurt as they hop and flap but cannot fly. If in doubt contact a vet who can refer you to a wildlife rehabber in your area. Sometimes a vet will even take. It is free because it is wildlife. Good luck and thanks for caring about the little critter.

  5. If you see a baby bird on the ground and are not sure if it needs your help or not....

    You should back away from the bird and watch it for a few minutes from a distance.  Baby birds do often spend a few days on the ground learning how to fly, find food, bathe....  Most of the time grounded baby birds are alone waiting for a parent bird to pop in and feed it.  Mom and dad feed them so fast and leave again,    You have to watch carefully because if you blink you will miss this and think it is abandonned.   Grounded baby birds should be trying to hide in shtubs or bushes,  They may run and flap a little, but instinct tells them to hide.  If you approach it should try to run from you.  

    If you see a baby bird sitting out in the open under the tree it fell from, it may too young to walk or injured from the fall.  Even then, you need to stand back and watch for while before deciding if it needs your help.  Falling to ground sometimes knocks the air out them and they need to sit and recover for a few minutesd.  Start looking for a wildlife rehabilitator near you while you watch for the parents to start yelling at it telling it to run and hide under a bush.  If this happens leave it be.  and if it does not move it should be taken to rehabilitator.

    Keep a close eye on the bird, but leave it int he original location it fell until you have been able to access the siuation.  At least if it is in the grass it will not stand out as much as if will sitting in a bowl.  Another bird, cat, or dog might eat it so keep an eye on it.  

    If you email me with your location I can try and help you find the nearest rehabilitator to you.

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