
Need help with business name!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my girlfriend and i are launching a catering business. we need your help with a catchy name!




  1. Casual Catering

    This is a great article about - How to Select a Company or Product Name -

    The article has some good advice on how to research names, and what to becareful of.

    Here are some tips on selecting a domain name

    Should get you started!

    Best of luck

  2. How about:

    Bun In The Oven

    Catering Smatering

    Have Chefs Will travel

    Will Work For Food

    Dinner 2 Dessert

    Aprons Required

    Brown Bag & Caviar

    Not Your Mom

  3. I work for a cool website that names businesses for $80. A business will sign up and then Internet surfers sign up as Namers, when you pick a name that one of them came up with, we pay the Namer. The cool thing about it is that since the Namers get paid, they really go for the gold and come up with amazing and ingenious catchy names, you just pick the best one. you will have at least 100 names to choose from within a couple days, and you can tell which names are the best, because they are rated on a 1 - 10 scale. you should at least take a look at the website. All you guys should sign up too as Namers, reginaldpuppy, you're pretty clever with naming, make some extra money, go to


  4. I saw this name in a book " A Moveable Feast".  It's from Hemingway.  I don't know if that is what your looking for but good luck anyway.

  5. you name it or www.(you and your girlfriend name).com

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