
Need help with cache level 2 corsework in pre school practice?

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Name more than two factors and briefly describe how each can affect thedevelopment of children....any help would be much appreciated thanks




  1. There are many factors that affect a child’s ability to learn

    One specific factor alone may not affect the child’s ability to learn

    However, a combination of factors is very likely to affect the child’s ability to learn.

    The prenatal environment:

    • The chemical balance of the mother's body and the presence of conditions or potentially toxic substances that can alter development processes.

    • Examples are the mother's use of drugs or alcohol, viral or bacterial diseases, and direct traumatic injury to the foetus.

    The physical environment:

    • The air which the child breathes, the nutritional value of food the child eats.

    • Exposure to conditions that can lead to disease, accident, or injury, including child abuse and neglect.

    The social/cultural environment:

    • Consists of the norms, values, belief systems and morals.

    • Standards of behaviour that regulate life in the cultural group in which the child is raised.

    The learning environment:

    • The degree and type of stimulation available in the child's immediate environment.

    • Sensory input promotes and shapes cognitive development.

    • Stimulation, in adequate quantity and intensity, promotes establishment of, and "shapes," neural pathways in the brain.

    The emotional environment

    • The nature of the child's interpersonal relationships.

    • The degree of nurturance available to the child.

    • The emotional environment shapes personality and affects the development of self-esteem, identity, trust, the ability to enter into intimate relationships, and personal resilience.

  2. Environment: Is it stimulating, too small, too large, cold, too hot, are the areas in suitable places (eg quiet area away from messy play), is there somewhere to go rest? Is there outdoor facilities? It effects children as they need to feel 'at home' in the setting as they are leaving their home environment and family!

    Emotional Stability: Are they ill? Are there changes in the home? Is it there first day? Do they have any SEN? etc individual needs mean that children develop at different rates!

  3. have you considered the nature v's nuture debate?

    Whether things are already inbread within us or do we learn them?

    Some factors that could affect a childs development are:

    1. Any impairment ie hearing,sight etc.

    2. Any new thing happening ie. a younger sibling,moving house may cause younger beahaviour to occur.

    3. Abuse

    4. Their home environment,ie where they live.

    Many more too.

    A good book is the develping child

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