
Need help with car accident with injury and insurance?

by Guest33559  |  earlier

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We live in PA and my mom was in her friends car and he was driving. He had a seizure and ran the truck off the road and my mom has serious injuries. Her friends insurance company said that she has to claim the medical expenses through her car insurance. I do not understand this. Why is this not cover under his car insurance? Also my mom only has liability insurance, So will they even cover her medical expenses? We are thinking of suing but who do we sue? We thought the insurance company but she can't sue her own insurance company can she?




  1. your friends insurance company is full of ****. Get an injury lawyer and let him take care of it.  He was driving he is responsible, unless his insurance company was frauded when he claimed he had no medical reason why he shouldn't be behind the wheel.  Regardless they should still be held accountable for the accident.

  2. This is one of the (rare) occasions where I would suggest contacting an attorney for advice.  If, for whatever reason, she isn't covered under his insurance she may have to try and recoup from the driver.  She also needs to contact her insurance company for guidance, it may be a delaying tactic from the other company.  Good luck.  

  3. The car insurance belonging to the person who owned the car that your mother was in should pay for the medical bills. Most car insurance policy state the amount of medical coverage per person. I would contact an attorney and get this taken care of quickly. Your mother's car insurance isn't responsible for covering medical bills from an accident they didn't have any part of. What would her friend's insurance company say if your mother didn't drive? Then who would they say would be responsible. That is nuts!

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