None of these answers are in my book OR notes,
Directions: For each true statment, insert T in the answer blank. If any are false, correct the underlined term and insert your correction in the answer blank
1. Phospolipids are polarized molecules
2. Steroids are the major form in which body fat is stored
3. Water is the most abundant compound in the body
4. Nonpolar molecules are generally soluble in water
5. The bases of RNA are A, G,C, and U
6. The universal energy currency of living cells is RNA
7. RNA is single stranded
So basically I just need to know if the underlined word is true or not and if not I need the word that belongs!
THANKS in advanced
OH the underlined words:
1. polarized
2. Steroids
3. Water
4. Nonpolar
5. U
6. RNA
7. Single