
Need help with choosing health insurance?

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is this a good offer?

Payment Option:


Plan: Secure Lite STM

Duration: 6 Months

Deductible: $5000

Co-Insurance: 50%

Initial Cost: $72.33

Monthly Cost: $52.33

I really do not intend to keep this insurance, i just need proof of insurance for my job and i plan to cancel it in about 2/3 months?

i am going with this company because they can give me insurance really fast




  1. Here are some suggests and plans of health insurances.

    I think they may help you!~

  2. sounds like a pretty good deal. cheap enough

  3. I have a great cheaper option for you.

    AmeriPlan USA offers Total Health coverage  40 a month.

    You also get discounted rates for everything health related!

    Dental 50-80% off all services (even braces)

    Vision 10-60% off Lasik included!

    Prescription Drugs 25-50% off

    Chiropractor one free visit and 30-50% off thereafter!

    hospitalization any hospital of your choice.. 2500 deductible...

    doctors, specialists lab work all discounted up to 70%

    Please visit the website, and call with any questions! (my number is under the contact link.)

    I hope this helps you!

    There is also a fre 30 day free trial.. 100% satisfied or your money back.  You don't even have to keep it 6 months if you don't want to.  There is no contract involved.

  4. There is not much difference in short term policies between companies. Just be aware that it is catastrophic coverage and doesn't have all the bells and whistles of a major medical. This is one of the plans that I sell and I don't sell trash policies so yes, it is a good plan.

    Talk to a local independent agent to see if this plan is the best value in your area. You do not have to purchase a full 6 month term; if you only want it for 2 months you should just buy 2 months.

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