
Need help with choosing high school classes?

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I'm in 8th grade and preparing for high school classes next year, I'm in the process of working on my schedule and an being required to choose the category of my future career. I want to work with disabled kids. I already know sign language and have a little brother with Downs. I need suggestions of careers and classes I should take.





  1. Talk to a councilor at the school that you will be attending, tell him/her what you are wanting to do. Or if you know someone that is already helping those with special needs ask them what they did to get there, that would be the best and most accurate path to go. The world needs more people like you, the school systems need more people like you to.

  2. Take Psychology, it's awesome. In fact, if your school offers AP Psychology, take that. It's the easiest AP test.

  3. I'm with taking the AP (college class) Psychology as part of your college prepartory work.

    I would also do well in math (you will need to take a statistics and a pre-cal/advanced college algebra), science (biology) and computers.  If you school offers it, I would take a course in each of these : art (bulletin board to projects), communications, debate (lots of parent meetings), medical terminology/sciences (reading medical reports, teaching and/or performing first aid), Spanish (lots of spanish speaking kids around).  

    If you need to choose an "academy" to be part of, I would go medical more than anything else.  You will be surprised how often you need the information and ease with medical equipment.  It would also help you to know how to cut down on the amount of germ exposure!

  4. BFF Jill?

  5. what are your options?

    pyschology/sociology are good

  6. talk with your guidance councilor to see if a course is like this at your school.

  7. You should be taking college preparatory classes.  If you want to do meaningful work with disabled kids, you have to go to college.  If you have to "choose" a career path, I would choose education.  There really is not that much of a difference between education and social services requirements, especially at the high school level.  Load up on English classes, and social studies classes, particularly all of the ology's psychology, sociology, etc.

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