
Need help with deck (yugioh) plz help?

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Any Advice on What to take out and what to put in?


Harpie Lady 2 x2

Serpentine Princess

Tornado Bird


Great Angus x2

Fox Fire

Ultimate Tyranno

Woodborg Inpachi

Mobius The Frost Monarch

Dark Driceratops

Inaba White Rabbit

Element Saurus

Element Doom

Darkfire Soilder #2

Golem Sentry x2

Man Eater Bug

Hydrogeddon x2

Black Stego

Yomi Ship


Aqua Madoor

Giant Soilder Of Stone

Princess Of Tsurugi

Blazing Inpachi

The Rock Spirit

Guardian Statue

Trap Master

Dummy Golem


Magic Arm Shield

Spell Shield Type 8

A Feint Plan



Compulsory Evacuation Device

Elemental Burst

Riryoku Field x2

Zero Gravity

Torrential Tribute

Threatening Roar


Hammer Shot

Offerings To The Doomed

After Genocide

Heart Of Clear Water

Heavy Storm

Tribute To The Doomed


Bait Doll

Malice Dispersion

Soul Exchange




  1. people are into theme deck but not everyone get monsters with killer effects that help out you, your deck and give you the advantage add cyber gymnast her effect i wicked iff you have cards in you hand that you are willing to lose get traps that stop yout opponent's monsters and other stuff get good attack monsters and good D monsters 4 stars atk 1800 and ones with D as 2000 or more and strong sacraficers

    combos would be really good and add ritual monsters too fusions also iff you can find any

  2. compleate random

    compleate bull shitt

    and sorry it just sucks

  3. im sorry to say this but im being completely honest nothing in your deck goes together just take the whole thing apart and try again good luck

  4. well, because this deck is really random, I don't think anybody here have the time to fix it for you. If would take way to long.

    However, if you can come up with a specific deck theme, with at least some cards required in that theme, then I 'd be happy to give you much advise as needed.  

    a theme is like a dragon deck, a warrior'll be even better to be more specific, like gladiator beast deck, dark armed dragon deck, crystal beast deck, Monarch deck...  

    fat jack is not helping...a deck is just a bunch of cards putting together, there is no "completely bullshit"...maybe some people have less understanding in yugioh...because they don't spend all day setting in the classroom just take out their deck and shuffle away...

  5. Spells:


    Nobleman of Extermination

    Creature Swap (x2)

    Banner of Courage

    Swords of Revealing Light

    Monster Reborn

    Premature Burial

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Smashing Ground



    Offerrings to the Doomed

    After Genocide

    Heart Of Clear Water

    Bait Doll

    Malice Dispersion

    Tribute to the Doomed



    Magic Drain (x2)

    Dust Tornado (x2)

    MIrror Wall

    Fairy Box

    Trap Dust Shoot

    Waboku (+1 Additional)



    Magic Arm Shield

    A Feint Plan


    Elemental Burst

    Riryoku Field (x2)

    Threatening Roar




    Dream Clown (x2)

    Giant Rat (x2)

    Ancient Gear Engineer

    Command Knight (x2)

    Moisture Creature

    Swarm of Locusts

    Prime Material Dragon

    Lava Golem



    Fox Fire

    Harpie Lady 2 (x2)

    Serpentine Princess

    Inaba White Rabbit

    Aqua Madoor

    Trap Master

    Overview: Essentially, all I've done is take out the cards that are too circumstancial to be consistant and effective. Next, I added cards that go well in any deck; these cards provide field control and obstructs your opponent's turn by turn progression. This build/structure allows novice and intermediate players to compete. Retrospectively, this deck basically provides better fluidity in draws and less Dead Draws (hands that are completely incompatable and usually render you a loss).

  6. your deck is random i think you should just find a deck you want to run and then ask about that deck only as your deck is just "o this card is good ill chuck it in" you should only put in relavent cards to your deck type!!!!!!

    go deck searching my fellow yugi player

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