
Need help with dream interpretation?

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i saw so many dreams before this one, but i dont remeber them. the part that i do remember is this:

this dream was a semi-lucid dream, but i did not control any segment of it. there's a a big straight line like a huge sliding bar on the downhill side of a mountain. around the hill are some big animals. there's one elephant, 5-6 horses, one buffalo, cows, and one rhinocerous. a landslide occured, and carried all these animals down the hill and onto a plain-like land. all the animals are now lying on the ground - most motionless. in this dream, i was just an observer with no emotions. within the dream, i felt as if these animals were reffering to big millionaires. the dream seemed to show that one stroke of the landslide brought all of these millionaires down to a plain. im still confused about its meaning, so help me out guys. thanks in adavance :)




  1. my interpretation is that you need to talk to a shrink =]


    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

  3. Your dream suggests a semi-lucid reflection by your own mind of the futility of man's power over that of the cosmos, nature herself.

    We have before us an economy ill at ease.  We see fortunes gained and lost - and hear of magnates who are confused as to the future of things and know not where their fortunes may carry them, nor when fortunes may come or go for that matter.

    The creatures you describe are all ones who are adept in their own ways in their natural environment, and yet this thing - this 'straight line' or 'sliding bar' - essentially man-made by description, takes out these representatives of worldly power as you see them.  Is it man's interference with nature that brings this on?  Perhaps - for it seems to be the power of the mountain that overcomes what may have been a sleek dam intended to hold back mother nature.

    And so man's great rich plan fails - again.  The great fall and find themselves no higher than yourself, even as they lay motionless.

    That's a very creative dream that well reflects deep thoughts of all that surrounds us - and tells of man's vanity in the face of raw nature.  

    Monied or not, we mere mortals are far closer to being equals in terms of the cosmos after all, aren't we?  Pompei did such thing - man's own hand put him in the shadow of catastrophe despite the power of those people at that time.  Man's own hand can yet deliver him into the shadow of ruin again... and again...

    All the best to you.

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