
Need help with endurance for police pt test!!!?

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I'm trying to get ready for the pt test and i suck at running. I need to run the 1.5 mile in 13:54 currently 16:39, the 300m in 64 sec currently 120 sec (i know i suck) and 3 miles in 27min currently 36min. I run almost everyday with and average of 20 miles a week. So how do i get faster at all three. I've dropped my times quite a bit after being pregnant but i need to drop alot more and am running out of time.




  1. Derek's got the right answer there.  Run 3-4 miles 4 times a week; take 2 days per week at the track doing 10x100s.  Run the straights hard fast, controlled, relaxed.  Then recover, jog, walk the turns.

    Good Luck

  2. What i did was run the bleachers at my college before my run, which by the way was a shorter time than you are expected to qualify with. also spend so much time psyching yourself out you have to be ready for the run mentally too!


  3. do practice sprints, get enough sleep prior to your runs, drink proteins drinks or energy drinks and do more stretches before running.

  4. If I were you I would mix up track sessions with longer runs (3-5miles). Maybe you could join your local athletics club and they could help you big time with your fitness and sprinting. Good luck!

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