
Need help with extreme high school drama! -Warning! It's long!-?

by  |  earlier

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Well this is a really long story so you might either wanna leave now, or grab a coffee and some cookies! :)

Well, i'm 14 years old and i lost my virginity at 13 years old.

I know i'm stupid for doing so and regret it massively.

Well, i've got a really good friend which i tell everything to. We'll call her A. ( She's 16 years old )

And i've got this other.. hmm, friend i guess. ( Sorta ) She can be B. ( She's 17 years old )

We were in camp when B found out that i lost 'it' to a guy. Someone had my phone and was reading my text messages and came across my ex-boyfriends messages saying how he promise that we won't do it anymore blah blah..

And yeah, it went from there. So B found out and A soon found out because i told her a few days after.

A and B are pretty good friends so they pretty much ganged up on me telling me off and stuff.

Well, i was made to promise a few months ago by B ( With A's support ), that i'll won't date till i'm 18.

They said all this stuff about 'protecting' me.

If i do date before 18, B would tell my parents and i don't want that happening!

Well, everything went on as normal until i was caught hanging out in town with this guy. We were just friends and when i was asked about it, i insisted that we were just friends. So it just turned into a joke and all's fine.

Well, as me and A were pretty good friends, i asked her to cover for me when i wanted to hang out with my ex-boyfriend in town. She agreed. But when she found out that i still had some feelings for him, she went to B and told her about it.

In between all that, A found some dodgy texts on my phone from these guys and told B about it.

So, i got a massive scolding from B. She told be that if she hears something like this again, she'll go to my parents.

Well, now when i talk to guys that i like, i feel really guilty.

I know that they don't want me to get into those situations again but i know that i don't wanna do it again and most definatly won't until i'm married.

What can i do about it? I know that they won't drop the rule.

Is there anyway around this?

Please help..

Thank you.. :)




  1. First of all, who are they? And threatening you by telling your parents? Come on now. and you call them your Friends? and rulez?  Do you have that low of self esteem about yourself? I mean come on... And sadly enuff you'll be beating your own self up for doing the nastyz with the guy.. And really what the h**l is the Rule? they date right? maybe its time you find friends that don't black mail you on a day to day basis? Sadly enuff, if they tell anyone about what you'll have to deal with the rest of your life, then really how good of friends are they to start with?? You can make the choice as to rather you want a boyfriend can't you.. I mean do you tell them who they can and can't hang out?

    What about finding people your own age? might be a good idea.. best of luck and if they keep threatening the next best thing to do is tel them that you can't be friends with them anymore you know? And you can't all of a sudden be reborn Virgin sorry to say.. You may or not feel like the same teenager you were before this whole loosing the V over.. best of luck and start hanging with your own age group would be my advice.

  2. 1-st erase you text messages and dont let them have your phone, or

    2-nd find out how to block number when your around them it should be in filter and you can block the text messages at certain times and they cant read it if he texts you when you have your phone and

    3-rd there not really your friends, your real friends woulnt threatin you like that they would understand and help you as much as possible. or

    4-th you can tell you parents and try 2 explain what happend and gain there trust back. #4 isnt the best answer i would most likley go with number 3 and also if they get mad at you for not wanting 2 be your friend and try 2 tell your parents erase your messages and tell your parents there lieing.  

  3. i agree. find some dirty secret about your friends and hold it against them. do the same thing to them that their doing to you. and get better friends.. i know someone that smokes and drinks and shes 14 and i tell my mom and i still somewhat hang out with her but i dont blackmail her.. i say that their not true friends and you need to teach them a lesson

  4. Why the h**l are you practically letting your friends blackmail you?  What kind of friend would run to YOUR parents if they find out you like a guy?  It's none of their f*cking business.  You need more trustworthy friends.  Ditch them both.

  5. Just tell them that you will be responsible. Tell them you appreciate their help but you will do great and will tell them if you need their help. Just be responsible and they should let it go

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