
Need help with finding a job?

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What sites can i go to besides monster and craigslist (plenty of spam there) to find job openings for an administrative assistant? thanks in advance ...




  1. Try

    and --

    I seem to get more with careerbuilder..

    Good luck!!! :-)

  2. Go online with your local television stations and they usually have a site for job openings in your area. I know that our stations do, so I believe they all will. Community help board.

  3. Try

  4. Try, it searches all the job websites and everything at once to find the jobs.

  5. You may want to look at JobForge, CareerBuilder, and Yahoo HotJobs.  Of course, JobForge will return all the results from the second two as well as indeed, jobing, tv stations, newspapers, employment offices, human resource departments, temp agencies, small business owners, etc.  

    When I performed a search for "administrative assistant" at JobForge 47,708 jobs were returned.  However, you might want to narrow the results to a certain city, or state depending on your location or personal preference.  Here is an example search without a location specified:

    You may also want to check your state employment office as well.  However, I have found these are generally covered by JobForge.

    Finally, temp agencies such as express personnel could may be worth considering.  A temp agency could help you get your foot in the door somewhere while providing fast employment.

    Good luck with your job search!

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