
Need help with flirting advice. I just got out of a long relationship. HELP!?

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Hey, so i'm 15 and I just out of a 9 1/2 month relationship. even though i broke up with him, my confidence is shot. I really need to get back out there and looking for some guys....also its like the 2nd week of my sophmore year so its really hard to talk to anyone anways. so please help. what should I do???


pics of me, do I look okay?

(im the one on on the left)

btw im self concious because I recently got a some acne, and i think im kinda chubby. i'm 5, 3' and like 140 lbs. lol, thats not all fat though, im kinda muscular and I have 36 D's, so how to i get more confidence and flirt with guys?




  1. You're absolutely gorgeous!! Shoot guys a glance with those eyes and they'll be putty in your hands! :)

    And you're not chubby, that height and weight is great, its healthy!

  2. go easy on the makeup. if you want confidence with guys, you have to have confidence in yourself. and that means stop covering your face in makeup. cuz youre actually really pretty. just mellow it down, go for soemthing more natural.

  3. ummm.try to lighten up your face al lil! dont wear such dark maekup!!! Casue i think guys can tell somewhat on how u are by looking at wut you wear and the way u act!!! So if u look a lil more hapy it might help1!  

  4. i don't see any acne.

    d**n girll chill with the mascara tho

  5. just be your self and your really pretty so just smile and laugh alot when your talking to guys


    i like how you did the cheetah lookin thing with your eye shadow

  6. wow your are pretty and your make-up is cool to lol and i dont have any advice =()  

  7. Learn how to apply make up and stop worrying you might get more baggage underneath your eyes.

  8. You are very pretty, so no worries there. I dont think you need as much makeup as you have on in your pics. Just go a little more natural.

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