
Need help with flute and adjusting to open holes!?

by Guest65976  |  earlier

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I have 2 flutes here I'm trying out. Both are open hole. But one is offset and the other is inline. I think I could get used to inline if needed, but either way, covering all the holes is hard!

Any tips or suggestions???




  1. Hi!! Sounds like you have two separate issues at "hand," so to speak--the choice between inline or offset G, and learning how to cover all of the holes.  

    As a professional flutist and private teacher, I would recommend the offset G.  First of all, as you're learning to cover the holes it will be much easier.  But in the long run it will also be easier on your hands because you will not have to stretch to reach it.  If you like the sound and feel of the offset G, go for that one.  Most professional flute makers aren't even producing many inline Gs anymore because having an offset G can really reduce injury (tendinitis, carpal tunnel, etc.).

    As far as getting used to the open holes, your new flute should come with a set of plugs.  If it doesn't, your music store will be able to provide you with some.  Put them all in, then take them out one or two at a time.  I always recommend the first finger on the right hand, then the left hand second finger (your middle finger on your LH, not the second finger that needs to cover a hole) OR the RH second finger; then RH3 and lastly G.  The first plug should be easy; don't take out another plug until you've mastered playing without each one.  It takes many students 1 year or more to master playing with all of the plugs out, so don't worry about how long it takes.  I think I actually had my open hole (inline G) for 2 or 3 years before I finally took out the G plug.  :-)    Congratulations on getting a new flute!!

  2. Hmm... I didn't have a choice when I switched to open hole, and my flute was inline, so I suffered some cramping in the beginning but eventually I just built up the muscles to the point that it didn't hurt anymore. If you have the time and the perseverance to play through that, then you should eventually get used to it. I would try working out your fingers too, using squeeze balls or those exercise grips you hold in your hand and squeeze together (I can't remember what they're called, but it's resistance training for your wrist and fingers).

  3. HI there, Miss Fluto.   As a teacher, I do have a technique I use for students to make the transistion from closed to open holes.    I have the students take out one plug from the left hand and one from the right hand...  (left hand -Index finger) (right hand - index finger).   I let them work to cover these two holes... maybe for 2 - 3 weeks.... and then I have them take out the next two plugs.    Doing this helps the students to get used to covering just a couple of open  holes at a time... and still be working on getting a good clear tone.   It works for my students.... and hopefully,  you can benefit from my tip as well.


    RJS1121 - Flute Teacher in Texas

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