
Need help with gerbils please!!!!!!!!!!! please helP!!!!!!!!!?

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I really need to know if female gerbils are aggresive pls help me im goign to pet store and it mite keep me fro mgettign them and can u tell me the way they act (nature) of them to humans and do they let u pick them up and stroke their bodies? pls help answer all questions




  1. I had two female gerbils in the same cage living together for a very long time. They were very very good pets. They were not aggressive toward one another. They would sleep next to one another and share food. My gerbils would let you pick them up and pet them a lot. They like the attention, but you cant force it upon them. You also might want to watch out for strangers, because like most pets gerbils can get uncomfortable with strangers messing with them. Also if you want to play with your gerbils make sure that you pay careful attention to there tails, because they can break and fall off (that's not good). Overall gerbils make excellent pets. they are kind to humans and each other

  2. Female gerbils tend to be more territorial than males, but they do well in pairs. I have two girls, and they absolutely adore each other. When they get into larger groups in a smaller area, they tend to be more aggressive with one another. As long as their housing is large enough and you're only getting two, a pair of females is fine.

    The way gerbils act with humans is not gender-specific. It greatly depends on how they're raised and socialized. If they're handled often, they'll be tame. Gerbils that are never handled will most likely be skittish. Gerbils, generally, don't bite unless they're scared. You must work on gaining their trust and spend time with them every day handling them so they get used to it.

    My gerbils let you pick them up and pet them. They don't tolerate it for a long time, though. Gerbils are very curious and would much rather run around to explore than be held and cuddled. They're NOT cuddly pets, so please be sure you understand that BEFORE getting them.

  3. You might want to bring your gerbil in to the store to see if they work out well, but make sure you know which one is yours!

  4. My friend has two that live in the same cage. She thought she had two of the same s*x but they just recently had babies. She said that they are both taking care of the babies and are very sweet to each other. All I know is that in my experience it sounds like gerbils are better then hamsters. Ask someone at the petstore because hopefully they will know more about.

  5. i had 2 gerbils that were sisters from petland. the one dided a couple months later from paralasis, so dont get your gerbils from petland! my other one is fine and i got her a companion a little bit ago and the are so nice to eachother. most of their time, they will cuddle ans eat. they dont drink much b/c they are from the desert, so they dont pee as much =]] they are soooo NOT agressive, but once my one gerbils died, her sister started getting mean, she wont let me hold her and she nips at me all the time when i do get a chance to hold her. but the other gerbil i just got (from petco) is nice as could be. shes very gentle and loveable and cuddleable. i love them to death! youll love them too! good luck and dont go to petland!they will be one of the best pruchases of your life =]]

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