
Need help with immunisations for trip to India...?

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I'm off to Delhi, India for 5 days from 31/03, but can't get to the doctors until 19/03 to get my immunisations. Does anybody know what I will need done as I have only had the usual childhood vaccinations before (e.g. BSG) and if I will have enough time considering I will only have 11 days between my appointment and departure?

I only found out I was going yesterday, that's why I'm in such a rush and concerned about time.




  1. tetanus, typhoid, yellow fever, cholera are mandatory

    malaria, (malaron has least side effects) is reccomended

    you dont need rabies as you are always in travelling distance of a hospital of some description

    check these out with a nurse or visit the government health website for confirmation

  2. Yellow fever IS NOT mandatory - only if you are entering India from a Yellow Fever risk country - UK and US are not. You DO NOT need Cholera, it is a risky injection which provides little immunity with bad side effects.

    You need:

    Hepititis A


    To ensure your tetanus/polio/diptheria combined jab is up to date (it lasts 10 years).

    You may also opt for Malaria tablets though you should have started taking those earlier.

    I have been travelling in India every year for 10 years. These are the only injections I have and all that is necessary - I have checked with many doctors. The Foreign Office website simply gives worse possible scenarios.

    If you are in the UK your GP can administer all of these (other than the Malaris tablets which are availble from chemists) free of charge.

  3. You need to consult a doctor at a travel clinic near you, or consult a doctor as soon as you arrive in India.

    Don't risk your health with half-baked information.

  4. First of all you need a prescription for malaron (malaria tablets) and i believe you need typhoid and yellow fever.

  5. Your best bet is to call the doctor/nurse and ask the question to them directly - even if you can't get an appointment till the 19th they should be able to advise you appropriately.

  6. Go to it is the official nhs website for this kind of information. You also need to do this right away if not sooner as some of the jabs have to be tested after a couple of weeks to make sure they have taken.

  7. Talk honestly with your health carers and dont be so paranoid...take sensible precautions while you are out there...i.e. drink bottled water, use sunscreen, avoid stall foods.. and you will be perfectly fine.! In case of emergencies they have fantastic Doctors out there!

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